Re-re-re-re-Re: Corpora: Mitch Marcus (fwd)

Giorgio Parisi Giorgio.Parisi at
Wed Feb 14 21:19:27 UTC 2001

On Wed, 14 Feb 2001, James L. Fidelholtz wrote:

> Dear Corporationists:
> 	I swear I only sent the message once, but as a reply.  This
> time, I cut & pasted, so only one should get to the list, as happened
> with another msg I sent.  Have we been infected with some sort of virus
> on the list-posting server?

Not likely. It is a well known phenomenon which is fortuately rare.
Your message must traverse many computers before arriving to destinations.
Now let us suppose that it must goes from A to B.
Computer B should aknowleadge the receipt of the message to computer A.
Let us suppose that for some reasons the software at B does not work and
B forward the message to C, has it was supposed to do, but does not inform A.
After half an hour A worried sends again the message to B, B forwards to C, but
does not tells A.  This goes on for about two-three days, untill A understands
that is useless to try to send the message and sends the message back to you.

The only thing that can be done is to identify computer B and to start
again the mailing software on B.
However B may be anywhere in between Mexico and Holland and I dont know if
it is possible to trace back the route.
In a first approximation, we can only wait.

Sincererly yours,

 Giorgio  Parisi
Dipartimento di Fisica                        Fax +39-06-4463158
Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza"             giorgio.parisi at
P.le A. Moro 2                                Tel +39-06-49913481
Roma, Italy, I-00185

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