[Corpora-List] pronunciation lexica

Ute Römer ute.roemer at uni-koeln.de
Wed Sep 4 15:32:50 UTC 2002

Dear Jim and others,

I came across this "Moby" list on the Project Gutenberg website a couple
of weeks ago more or less by chance (I was curious what a "Moby
Pronunctiation List" might be and so downloaded it...). The list is
freely downloadable from
and the author is a certain Grady Ward. Entries look like this:
A /eI/
a /eI/
a' /A/
a-be /eI/_b/i/
A-Bomb '/eI/,b/A/m
a-c /eI/_s/i/
a-sea /eI/_s/i/
a-tiptoe /eI/_'t/I/p,t/oU/
aa '/A//A/
Aachen '/A/k/@/n
There is also a Moby hyphenation list, a Moby POS list, a Moby thesaurus
and a Moby word list available for download. For some more information on
the MPL you might also want to check
http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/research/ilash/Moby/mpron.html. Don't know
about any other AmE pronunciators. Sorry!

Hope this helps!
Best... Ute

James Magnuson schrieb:

> Does anyone know of any large sets of American English pronunciations
> (preferably including inflected forms, etc. -- the more complete, the
> better, of course) in electronic format and preferably in the public
> domain?
> I have come across two, but I cannot determine their origin. One is
> labelled 'MIT' and has about 25,000 forms, and the other is labelled
> 'MOBY' and has about 35,000 forms. If anyone knows the origin of
> these, I would also appreciate learning more about them.
> Thanks,
> jim
> --------------------------------------------------------
> James Magnuson
> Department of Psychology
> Columbia University
> 1190 Amsterdam Ave., MC 5501
> New York City, New York  10027
> (212)854-5667
> magnuson at psych.columbia.edu

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