[Corpora-List] CALL FOR PAPERS - Empirical Text and Culture Research Journal

Rayson, Paul rayson at exchange.lancs.ac.uk
Wed Sep 27 07:54:15 UTC 2006

[Posted on behalf of Andrew Wilson - please reply directly to him - details below]

CALL FOR PAPERS - Empirical Text and Culture Research

We are seeking contributions for the next issue of "Empirical Text and Culture Research", the first under new editorship.  The deadline for this issue is Friday 15th December 2006.  Details of the scope of the journal and submissions procedure can be found below.  We would especially welcome culturally oriented quantitative work based on corpora and other machine-readable texts.  Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss the eligibility of a potential paper.

Andrew Wilson



ISSN 1617-8912

Dedicated to quantitative empirical studies of culture

Published by RAM-Verlag


Editor: Andrew Wilson (Lancaster University, UK)

Editorial board:

Valery Belyanin (CERES, University of Toronto, Canada)
Katerina Frantzi (University of the Aegean, Greece)
Robert Hogenraad (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium)
Amei Koll-Stobbe (University of Greifswald, Germany)
Dean McKenzie (Monash University, Australia)
Josef Schmied (Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany)



The purpose of ETC is to publish culturally oriented research that is both empirical and quantitative in its approach.

'Culture' is understood by ETC to encompass both 'high' culture (such as literature, art, and music) and the many aspects of everyday life - for instance, fashion and cuisine. The 'world views' of different cultures and sub-cultures, and the relationship between language and culture, will also be key issues for the journal.

Whilst work within the framework of systems-theoretic constructivist research is especially welcome, ETC aims to publish all forms of empirical quantitative research that fit its general parameters - for example, corpus-based research; computer-assisted content analyses; semantic differential studies; studies using sentence completion or word association techniques; and so on.

ETC will normally not publish papers of a purely theoretical or qualitative nature, unless their implications for quantitative empirical research are very clear.


ETC accepts the following kinds of articles:

* full-length papers (approximately 10 to 20 double-spaced pages)
* short notes (around 5 pages or less)
* reviews of relevant books, software, conferences, etc.
* historical and biographical studies related to empirical cultural research

If anyone is unsure about the suitability of their topic or approach for ETC, they are invited to send a short structured abstract to the editor in advance of a formal submission.

>From time to time, the editorial board may actively commission articles or reviews.


For the journal to have the maximum international impact, only papers written in English will be published in ETC.


All papers will be peer reviewed by at least one member of the editorial board or by another qualified person appointed by them. We will aim to move swiftly and normally provide a response within one month of submission.


Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor at the contact address shown overleaf.

Authors should submit one printed copy of their manuscript, together with an electronic copy in either MS Word or RTF format. The electronic copy may be submitted by e-mail.

Manuscripts should be accompanied by a covering letter stating that the content of the article has not previously been published and is not being concurrently submitted elsewhere.

Layout and referencing should follow the style guidelines of the American Psychological Association.


Dr. Andrew Wilson
Department of Linguistics and English Language
Lancaster University
Lancaster LA1 4YT, UK

Email: eiaaw_AT_exchange.lancs.ac.uk
Fax: +44 1524 843085

Orders for CD-ROMs or printed copies to RAM-Verlag (RAM-Verlag_AT_t-online.de)

Downloading: http://www.ram-verlag.de

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