[Corpora-List] Blind reviewing

Laurence Anthony anthony0122 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 16:48:06 UTC 2011

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 1:23 AM, Yorick Wilks <Y.Wilks at dcs.shef.ac.uk>wrote:

> Thanks, I remember the details. The discussion has gone many ways, some of
> them arguing the (de)merits of  author-blind --as well as reviewer-blind
> ---systems. The starting point was LREC and the author-blind system.  Much
> later, you wrote, after I used the phrase "both systems":
> ".....what exactly is the alternative system to blind reviewing that is
> being referred to in the phrase "both systems". Obviously, "against blind
> reviewing" is not a system in itself. Am I correct in assuming that the
> 'alternative system' being proposed on this list is simply an open one where
> both reviewers and authors know each others' names? "
> My "both systems" referred, as I thought was clear in the context I wrote
> it, to author-blind and non-blind systems---ACL being like the former and
> LREC the latter (COLING has oscillated, if memory serves). So no, the
> opposites are those just listed. Does that clear it up?
> YW
Sorry, I'm still confused. I think ACL uses a double-blind system (authors
and reviewers don't know who the other is). See here:

LREC uses an single-blind system (the reviewer knows the author but the
author doesn't know the reviewer). See here:

In view of earlier comments about reviewers needing to reveal their
identity, neither ACL nor LREC adopt such a policy. In fact, the LREC policy
in effect gives even more power to the reviewer than a double-blind policy.
Is this what you were supporting when you wrote,  "The whole blind-review
business is a huge nonsense...LRECs reputation has grown steadily and it
will be the quality of its papers that sustain it--there is no evidence at
all anonymity would improve matters in the least. if it ain't broke........"


(p.s. If it's just me that's confused, feel free to ignore me!)
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