[Corpora-List] Robot Commands Treebank (www.TrainRobots.com) =?windows-1252?Q?=96_?=Feedback Welcome

Kais Dukes sckd at leeds.ac.uk
Wed Oct 2 20:48:34 UTC 2013

Dear Corpora List,

TrainRobots (www.TrainRobots.com) is a game with a purpose for annotating robot commands. Building on initial data collected through the game, the Robot Commands Treebank provides semantic annotation for robotic spatial commands. Collected through crowdsourcing, this first release of treebank provides annotation for 3,394 sentences (41,158 words). Commands are organized into scenes. These are pairs of images showing a game board before and after each command.

In the treebank, natural language sentences have been mapped to a compositional Robot Control Language (RCL). Each RCL statement forms a semantic tree that provides instructions to a spatial planner for command execution. The treebank also provides word-aligned annotations between leaf nodes in RCL statements and words in the corresponding annotated sentence.

This first version of the treebank focuses on commands that use qualitative spatial relations involving proximity ('near') and adjacent ('above', 'in front of', …) relations. The semantic treebank is freely available for research. The website includes a color-coded visualization of the semantic trees that have been annotated so far.


This data is currently being used to develop a statistical semantic parser as well as spatial natural language understanding component.

Feedback on the treebank is most welcome, as are any ideas for improving the website.

Kind Regards,

-- Kais Dukes
University of Leeds
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