[Edling] Call for papers: Symposium on Languaging and Translanguaging @ AILA 2020, 9-14 August Groningen, the Netherlands
Li, Wei
li.wei at ucl.ac.uk
Mon Jul 22 08:50:17 UTC 2019
AILA 2020 Symposium on Languaging and Translanguaging: Distributed approaches to language and cognition (S088)
AILA 2020, 9-14 August 2020, Groningen, The Netherlands
Li Wei, UCL Centre for Applied Linguistics, University College London, UK, li.wei at ucl.ac.uk<mailto:li.wei at ucl.ac.uk>
Stephen Cowley, Department of Language and Communication, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark cowley at sdu.dk <mailto:cowley at sdu.dk%20>
Featured speaker:
Stephen Cowley
Languaging and Translanguaging: Distributed approaches to language and cognition
dynamics, learning, change, distributed
The symposium aims to pursue the argument that language is simultaneously social and cognitive, collective and individual, historical and contemporary, long-lasting and instantaneous; it sets and breaks boundaries; and above all, it lives in the interactivity between ecological beings through Languaging (Love, 2017; Cowley, 2017). In everyday sense and meaning-making, human beings have a natural drive to beyond the conventional linguistic structures of syllables, words and sentences and engage multiple semiotic cues, modalities and embodiment. And communities and individuals who have been socialised into having more than one named language (i.e. conventionally called ‘bilingual’ or ‘multilingual’) often go beyond the political and historical divides between the named languages in their communicative practices, i.e. Translanguaging. Moreover, bilinguals and multilinguals do not think in terms of named languages (Li, 2018). Contributions that focus on either the theoretical and conceptual dimensions of Languaging and Translanguaging or empirical cases and methodological issues are welcome. We are particularly interested in studies of language learning across the life-span and the dynamics of multilingual and multimodal interaction.
References: Cowley, Changing the idea of language, in Language Sciences; Love, On languaging and languages, in Language Sciences; Li, Translanguaging as a Practical Theory of Language, in Applied Linguistics. (199 words)
This symposium welcome contributions that focus on either the theoretical and conceptual dimensions of Languaging and Translanguaging or empirical cases and methodological explorations from the distributed language and cognition perspective. We are particularly interested in studies of language learning across the life-span and the dynamics of multilingual and multimodal interaction.
Submit your abstract at:
https://www.aila2020.nl/call-for-papers closing date of September 16th, 2019.
This Symposium's number is S088.
Call for papers | AILA 2020 Groningen<https://www.aila2020.nl/call-for-papers>
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