Recursos online: Verbal morphology of the languages of the Americas

Etnolinguistica.Org moderadores at ETNOLINGUISTICA.ORG
Wed Apr 19 16:47:46 UTC 2006

O livro *What's in a verb? Studies in the verbal morphology of the languages
of the Americas*, editado por Grażyna J. Rowicka e Eithne Carlin, inclui
sete artigos sobre línguas sul-americanas (Quechua, Trio, Itonama, Leko,
Sateré-Mawé, Uchumataqu e Lakondê), além de trabalhos sobre línguas das
Américas do Norte e Central. O conteúdo integral está disponível
gratuitamente no seguinte endereço:

[O anúncio abaixo foi publicado originalmente na Linguist List (]

*Date:* 18-Apr-2006
*From:* Keetje van den Heuvel <>
*Subject:* What's in a verb?: Rowicka, Carlin

Title: What's in a verb?
Subtitle: Studies in the verbal morphology of the languages of the Americas
Series Title: LOT Occasional Series
Published: 2006
Publisher: Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics / Landelijke

Book URL:

Editor: Grażyna J. Rowicka, Leiden Center for Linguistics (ULCL)
Editor: Eithne B Carlin, Leiden Center for Linguistics (ULCL)
Electronic: ISBN: 9789076864945 Pages: 260 Price: U.S. $
Paperback: ISBN: 9789076864945 Pages: 260 Price: Europe EURO 24,49

What's in a verb?
Studies in the verbal morphology of the languages of the Americas

Verbal morphology tends to be the most complex part of the grammatical
structure of indigenous American languages. Studies in this volume look
into the structural complexity that verbal forms can exhibit on the
American continent and into the morphological categories that have
attracted researchers' special attention. Unlike most other volumes on
indigenous American languages, the present collection overrides regional
boundaries and addresses interesting morphological phenomena across North,
Central, and South America. Moreover, it pays tribute to the long-standing
tradition of Dutch and the Netherlands-based linguists working in the
Americas and gives an overview of current Dutch involvement in the study of
these languages.

This volume is a collection of articles presenting original fieldwork or
novel comparative or historical research, often on little-known languages
and phenomena and illustrated with unique data. Each contribution provides
a brief outline of the verbal morphology of the language under
consideration and an in-depth analysis of a selected topic. This volume
will be of particular interest to general linguists, typologists,
linguistic experts as well as students with an interest in morphosyntax and
morphophonology, and in the languages of the Americas in general.

Setor de Etnolingüística, Museu Antropológico/UFG
Av. Universitária, 1166, Setor Universitário
74605-010 Goiânia, Goiás, BRASIL
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