
Eduardo Ribeiro kariri at GMAIL.COM
Sat May 26 04:31:24 UTC 2012

Beleza, Rogério. Obrigado pelas dicas! Se alguém pudesse escanear este
artigo da Filomena e compartilhar em nosso site, seria ótimo.

A propósito, há dois artigos online que vêm ao caso -- da Lilian
(Souza 2011) e da Jaqueline (Souza 2009), orientanda da Filomena:

Fala masculina e fala feminina no Kadiwéu (Souza 2011)

Variação dialetal e gramática pedagógica: Kadiwéu (Souza 2009)

Quando a dissertação da Lilian se tornar disponível, avise-nos, por
gentileza, para que possamos incluí-la em nosso banco de teses.

Abraços, e obrigado,


On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 8:40 PM, Rogerio Ferreira <rogmates at> wrote:
> Olá Eduardo, tem a dissertação de minha aluna. Lilian Ayres, que trabalhou
> com fala feminina na língua Kadwéu, também tem um artigo da Filomena que
> trata da diferença de fala feminina e masculina "Estratificação social e
> dialetos prosódicos no kadiwéu". O trabalho da Lilian estará logo disponível
> no site da UFMS.
> The objective of this study is to research the difference between female
> speech and male speech in the language Kadiwéu, which belongs to the
> Guaikuru linguistic family. According to FUNASA data, in 2009 there were
> 1.346 kadiwéu, unevenly distributed in five different indian settlements
> (Alves de Barros, Campina, São João, Barro Preto e Tomázia) in a marked area
> with 538.000 hectares, in Porto Murtinho, region of Serra da Bodoquena, Mato
> Grosso do Sul state, Brazil. The study was realized with collaborators
> taking into account gender, age and the hierarchy of the group (nobles and
> captives). The interviews were made in Alves de Barros village, which is
> also known as the biggest village. The different speech between men and
> women is inherent in the process of communication and social interaction,
> and inserted in a cultural learning process. Such phenomenon is recurrent of
> the language in use and is supported by the vison of the funcionalism. The
> purpose of the research is to survey the largest possible amount of words
> that show difference between men and women language and to identify in which
> linguistic levels such differences can occur. The results show that kadiwéu
> men and women speak and write words differently, sometimes with phonetic and
> phonological variations, sometimes presenting lexical variation.
> ********************************************88
> Rogério V. Ferreira
> rogerio.v.ferreira at
> rogmatis at
Eduardo Rivail Ribeiro, lingüista
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