ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Update

ELDA info at elda.org
Tue Feb 13 17:11:37 UTC 2007

Our apologies if you have received multiple copies of this announcement.

ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Update

ELRA is happy to announce that a new Monolingual Lexicon and new 
Evaluation Packages are now available in its catalogue.

*ELRA-S0229 LC-STAR Turkish lexicon
*The LC-STAR Turkish lexicon comprises 104,513 words, including a set of 
59,213 common words and a set of 45,300 proper names (including person 
names, family names, cities, streets, companies and brand names) with 
phonetic transcriptions in SAMPA. The lexicon is provided in XML format.
For more information, see: 

*ELRA-S0230 LC-STAR Russian lexicon
*The LC-STAR Russian lexicon comprises about 128,000 words, including a 
set of 77,154 common words, a set of 51,074 proper names (including 
person names, family names, cities, streets, companies and brand names) 
with phonetic transcriptions in SAMPA. The lexicon is provided in XML 
For more information, see: 

*ELRA-S0231 LC-STAR English-Russian Bilingual Aligned Phrasal lexicon
*The LC-STAR English-Russian Bilingual Aligned Phrasal lexicon comprises 
10,519 phrases from the tourist domain. It is based on a list of short 
sentences obtained by translation from US-English 10,000 phrasal corpus. 
The lexicon is provided in XML format.
For more information, see: 

For more information on the catalogue, please contact Valérie Mapelli 
mailto:mapelli at elda.org

Our on-line catalogue has moved to the following address: 
http://catalog.elra.info. Please update your bookmarks.
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