XXIII Congreso de la SEPLN -Sevilla(Espana)- septiembre'06
mcruz at UB.EDU
Fri Mar 9 17:17:01 UTC 2007
-------------------- INFOLING --------------------------
Lista de distribución de lingüística del español (ISSN: 1576-3404)
Envío de información: infoling-request at listserv.rediris.es
Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg, UAB <carlos.subirats at uab.es>
Mar Cruz Piñol, U. Barcelona <mcruz at ub.edu>
Eulalia de Bobes Soler, U. Abat Oliba-CEU <debobes1 at uao.es>
Equipo de edición: http://elies.rediris.es/infoling/editores.html
Estudios de Lingüística del Español (ELiEs): http://elies.rediris.es
es una red temática de lingüística del español asociada a INFOLING.
Infoling ha sido declarado como un servicio CARENTE DE INTERÉS en la
convocatoria del "Programa Nacional de Fomento de la Cultura Científica y
Tecnológica (2006)" del actual Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia de España
y, por tanto, NO se le concedido NINGUNA financiación:
- Más de 10 años al servicio a la comunidad lingüística global.
- Casi 3.000 suscriptores en más de 60 países.
- Con suscriptores del propio Ministerio de Educación de España.
© Infoling Barcelona (España), 2006. Reservados todos los derechos
XXIII edición del Congreso Anual de la
Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural
Date: 10-Sep-2007 - 12-Sep-2007
Location: Sevilla, Spain
Contact Person: Victor J. Díaz-Madrigal
Web Site: http://www.lsi.us.es/~sepln2007
Información procedente de LinguistList
Call Deadline: 04-May-2007
Meeting Description:
The 23rd Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing
(SEPLN) will take place on September 10-12, 2007 in Sevilla (Spain). As in
previous editions, the aim of SEPLN for this Conference is to promote the
dissemination of research, development and innovation activities conducted by
Spanish and foreign researchers in the field of Natural Language Processing
(NLP). The conference will provide a forum for discussion and communication to
facilitate an effective exchange of knowledge and scientific materials that are
necessary for promoting the publication of relevant work and the establishment
of means of collaboration with national and international Institutions that are
active in this field.
Researchers and businesses are encouraged to send communications, project
abstracts or demonstrations related to any of the following topics:
- Linguistic, mathematic and psycholinguistic models of language
- Corpus linguistics
- Monolingual and multilingual information extraction and retrieval
- Formalisms and grammars for morphological and syntactical analysis
- Computational Lexicography
- Monolingual and multilingual text generation
- Machine translation
- Speech synthesis and recognition
- Semantics, pragmatics and discourse
- Word sense disambiguation
- NLP industrial applications
- Automatic textual content analysis
Authors are encouraged to send theoretical or system-related proposals, to
be presented at the demonstration sessions, earlier than May 4, 2007. Proposals
must meet certain format and style requirements
Both the delivery and revision of proposals will be done exclusively in
electronic format (PostScript or PDF). Proposals will include a title,
complete names of the authors, their address, telephone, fax and e-mail.
Proposals will meet the following requirements (concerning the final
version, please check the ''publication format'' section):
- The proposals will be presented in Spanish or English.
- Inclusion of an abstract (maximum 150 words).
- Related topic.
- Overall maximum length will be 3,500 words (including the abstract).
- The proposals will be anonymously revised. Therefore, two separate
files will be submitted, one will only include the title and author details, the
other will only include the title and the rest of the proposal.
- Final versions (after notification of acceptance) will follow the
style requirements that are described in the publication format section.
Authors will submit their proposals through an EasyChair web system whose
link is http://www.easychair.org/SEPLN2007/.
Projects and Demos:
As in previous editions, the organizers encourage participants to give oral
presentations of projects and demos. Depending on the estimated number of
oral presentations, any session may be reserved to this purpose. Proposals
must meet certain format and style requirements for presentations.
For oral presentation of projects to be accepted, the following information
must be included:
- Project title
- Funding institution
- Participant groups in the project
- Name, affiliation, e-mail and phone number of the project director
- Abstract (2 pages maximum)
- If a demonstration is to be performed, further information must be
included, as indicated below
For demonstrations to be accepted, the following information is mandatory:
- Name, affiliation, e-mail and phone number of the authors
- Abstract (2 pages maximum)
- Time estimation for the whole presentation
This information must be received by June 1, 2007 using an EasyChair web
system whose link is http://www.easychair.org/SEPLN2007/.
Publication Format:
The final version of the article will be sent before June 22, 2007 through
the same web system.
- Documents must not include headers or footings.
- Maximum length will be 8 pages DIN A4 (210 x 297 mm), included
references and figures.
- In the case of demonstrations and projects, maximum length will be 2
Articles will be sent in Postscript or PDF format.
LaTeX format:
Authors using LaTeX format will download from the Conference website (URL
to be communicated in the Second Call for Papers) the following style
package zip file: latex_new.zip which will contain document and
bibliography styles, as well as an example showing existing editing
Word format:
Authors using Microsoft Word or compatible will download from the
Conference website the following zip file: word_new.zip which will include
a pattern file in RTF format and an example showing existing editing
Important Dates:
Dates for submission and notifications of acceptance:
- Deadline for submitting abstracts: May 4, 2007
- Notification of acceptance: Jun 6, 2007
- Deadline for submitting the final version: June 22, 2007
- Deadline for submitting projects and demos: June 1, 2007
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National Geographic WorldTalk Endangered Languages
De: Linguist List http://linguistlist.org/issues/18/18-187.html
National Geographic World Talk host Patty Kim interviews K. David Harrison of Swarthmore College, discussing language extinction, global language diversity, and why we should care. In the interview, David talks about his work on documenting endangered languages in Siberia. He discusses how knowledge is packaged in languages and how traditional cultural knowledge represents the accumulation over many centuries of human observations of nature. As languages die, the human knowledge base erodes.
The podcast may be downloaded at:
Or via free subscription to National Geographic World Talk in i-tunes.
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