[Lexicog] Re: Lexical Relations vs. Etymology

David Frank david_frank at SIL.ORG
Sun Mar 2 04:17:35 UTC 2008

I can't read Cyrillic script and I'm not too familiar with Shoebox or Toolbox or FieldWorks, but I think I see two problems here. It looks to me like you are citing an example of a phrase, and I would not try to give an etymology for a phrase. Words have etymologies; phrases don't. Or in the case of a calque, I suppose you could consider the source from another language as being a kind of etymology, but we wouldn't usually describe phrases as having etymologies.

Also, I wouldn't assign a part of speech to a phrase either. It looks like you are calling this phrase a noun, and I don't think that is appropriate. A phrase may contain a noun but wouldn't be called a noun or any other part of speech. Instead of a word class label, some people might want to assign a label that would be appropriate to phrases such as "phr" or "np", but I prefer to just leave the part of speech blank for anything I would put into a dictionary that is comprised of more than one word.

-- David Frank

---- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kenneth Keyes 
  To: flex at lists.sil.org ; lexicographylist at yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2008 9:24 AM
  Subject: [Lexicog] Lexical Relations vs. Etymology

  Dear All, 


  Hi, I have another brainteaser for you:


  What relation do Calques bear to the language they are borrowed from? For example, I have the following entries:


  АЗАМАТТЫҚ ХАЛ АКТІЛЕРІН ЖАЗУ  (АХАЖ) N  Eng vital statistics offfce - where changes in the lives of citizens are recorded Kaz азаматтардың өмір өзгерістерін тіркеп жазып отыратын бөлім Rus отдел записи актов гражданского состояния 



  Cf. SFM export: 



  \sn 1

  \ps_en N

  \d_en vital statistics offfce - where changes in the lives of citizens are recorded

  \d_kk азаматтардың өмір өзгерістерін тіркеп жазып отыратын бөлім

  \d_ru отдел записи актов гражданского состояния


  \lx АХАЖ

  \et Contr



  This a calque from the Russian: 


  ЗАГС  N  Eng The government office where vital statistics are recorded. Kaz азаматтық хал-ахуалды тіркейтін бөлім актілерін жазу Rus отдел Записи Актов Гражданского Состояния calq: АХАЖ. (sem. domains: admin. - administration.) {coll.}


  \lx ЗАГС

  \sn 1

  \ps_en N

  \d_en The government office where vital statistics are recorded.

  \d_kk азаматтық хал-ахуалды тіркейтін бөлім актілерін жазу

  \d_ru отдел записи актов гражданского состояния

  \lf calq

  \lv АХАЖ

  \is_en admin.

  \sd_en administration

  \u_en coll.


  To handle this case, I created a lexical function called “Calque”. However, this is also the etymology of the word. How do I deal with the etymology? There are tons of these cases (of calques from Russian) in Eurasian languages. 


  Thanks for considering this! 


  Best regards,



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