=?X-UNKNOWN?Q?Marges_Linguistiques=2C_issue_n=B09_^V_May_2005?= =?X-UNKNOWN?Q?_?=
Harold F. Schiffman
haroldfs at ccat.sas.upenn.edu
Wed May 25 13:21:04 UTC 2005
The online international linguistics Journal Marges Linguistiques
Issue n°9 - May 2005
Dear colleagues,
The issue n° 9 of the free online journal dedicated to linguistics
: Marges Linguistiques is now avalaible at the following adress :
All contributions can be freely downloaded please go to « Contents
of the latest issue »
1- Thematic issue N° 9 of Marges Linguistiques
Discourse analysis : state of the art and perspectives
Directed by Dominique Maingueneau, CEDITEC, University of Paris 12,
France with the help of Daniel Véronique, Paris 3, France
2- Contents of Marges Linguistiques N°9
To download these texts go to http://www.marges-linguistiques.com
01- Discourse analysis and its boundaries
By Dominique Maingueneau, CEDITEC, University of Paris 12, France
02- Critical discourse analysis
By Norman Fairclough, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
03- A postmodern perspective on discourse analysis – About the
notion of discursive formation
By Jacques Guilhaumou, ENS, France
04- The part of the enunciator in the interactional contruction of
points of view
By Alain Rabatel, ICAR, UMR CNRS 5191, University of Lyon II, France
05- About the relevance of the notion of dialogism for discourse
By Jacques Brès & Aleksandra Nowakowska, University Paul Valéry
- Montpellier III, Praxiling, F.R.E. CNRS 2425, France
06- French discourse analysis and its corpora seen from reported
By Laurence Rosier, Free University of Bruxelles, Belgium
07- Conversational analysis, discourse analysis and interpretation of
social discourse : the trash radio case
By Diane Vincent, University Laval, Canada
08- The informational organization of the vulgarization of scientific
By Cristina Alice Toma, University of Geneva, Switzerland
09- Oui non : a discursive practice under influence
By Virginie André, CRAPEL - University of Nancy II, France
10- Modes of topic introduction and topic management - The structure
of radio psychological talk shows
By Veronique Magaud, independent author, Aix en Provence, France
11- Forms of address in a justification discourse. Jacques Chirac and
the Iraq conflict
By Clara Ubaldina Lorda Mur, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
12- O and Oh : a written form between language and discourse genres
By Yana Grinshpun, UPRES SYLED, EA 2290, University of Paris III,
To download these texts go to http://www.marges-linguistiques.com
Reviews /Book notices :
13- The gestural expression of the thought of a political figure /
L'expression gestuelle de la pensée d'un homme politique
By Geneviève Calbris - Paris : CNRS Éditions, 2003
Book Notice by Hugues de Chanay, University of Lyon II, France
14- Discourse models and the concept of action.
Cahiers de Linguistique Française, n° 26, 2004
Book Notice by Beatrice Fracchiolla, University of Toulon, France
15- Enunciative deletion and reported speech
Langages, n°156 december 2004 - Coordinated by Alain Rabatel
Book Notice by Michele Monte, University of Toulon, France
16- Words and their contexts
By Fabienne Cusin-Berche
Paris : Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2003
Book Notice by Véronique Magaud, independent author, France
17- Essays on linguistics. Has Language been contrived by linguists ?
Book Notice by Méderic Gasquet Cyrus, University of Provence,
18- Right of reply
By Jean Sibille, DGLFLF, France
19- In memory of Jacques Derrida
By Francesca Manzari, University of Provence, France
To download these texts go to http://www.marges-linguistiques.com
3- Diffusion
This web site and the journal (entirely free) are targeted towards
researchers, practioners, students interested in the various subareas
of Linguistics, and for a more general public. We would be extremely
grateful if you could pass on this information to interested persons
who could circulate the information in turn.
Thanks to your help, we hope to reach a wider public.
We thank you beforehand.
Enjoy the web site seeing !
Go to http://www.marges-linguistiques.com
Thank you for your comments
and for passing on this announcement
Editor :
Michel Santacroce, Cnrs, University of Provence (France)
dirpubl at marges-linguistiques.com
May 2005
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