Audio software?

Ashley Stinnett astinnet at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Sat Jul 5 14:38:42 UTC 2014

Hi Susan,
I agree with Steve, there a lot of coding softwares to choose from (NVIVO,
AtlasTi, Dedoose, etc...)
but my preference is to use F5 (
It is cheap (used to be free) and easy to use on a Mac.
It allows you to insert a time code with the Return key, synced to the
audio/video (select in preferences)
and has keyboard short cuts for text insert (handy for multi
speaker/interactional data)

And if you want to transcribe it eventually, it works well with keyboard
commands or with a USB foot pedal.

You can word search or export as a .rtf or .txt to be used in Word or Text
Wrangler or whatever other analysis software you want to use.

Good luck

On Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 6:50 AM, Steven Black <stevepblack at> wrote:

> Hi Susan,
> I'm sure there are lots of good programs out there, but I would recommend
> just using Microsoft Word and making an audio log, writing the time
> displayed on the audio file where you have a comment. An advantage of this
> (other than not having to learn a new program) is that you can use the
> "find" function in word to search for particular notes or codes that you
> have used to denote specific topics or ideas.
> If you want to use audio-video software you might try Inqscribe, which
> allows you to set time codes and sync writing with audio/video--this is
> meant for creating subtitled videos but it could do the trick.
> On 7/4/14 11:01 AM, "Susan Seizer" <sseizer at INDIANA.EDU> wrote:
> >Hello fellow Ling Anthers,
> >
> >I have an archive of interview audiotapes from the early 90s that I am
> >now digitizing. The software automatically places the digitized tapes
> >into iTunes. I am using a Mac computer. I am looking for software that
> >will allow me to easily edit, mark, and add commentary on the tapes. I
> >would be grateful for any suggestions from those with experience in this
> >realm. (I have Final Cut Pro 7 already on my computer, but I would rather
> >not use it because it's cumbersome and best suited for visual material.)
> >thanks for your input!
> >
> >Best,
> > Susan
> >
> >Susan Seizer
> >Dept of Communication & Culture
> >Indiana University

A. Ashley Stinnett, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology
School of Anthropology
The University of Arizona
P.O. Box 210030
Tucson, AZ 85721-0030 U.S.A
astinnet at

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