Borrowed verbs

Victor A. Friedman vfriedm at MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU
Thu Jan 2 21:27:31 UTC 2003

In Macedonian, the suffix is -di- + -s- (originally Greek sigmatic
aorist), e.g. Turkish be(g)en-di -> Macedonian bendis-a 'like, be
pleasing to (3sg pres)'
Also in Albanian, where such verbs assimilate to a sigmatic
conjugation that includes Slavic borrowings and native verbs.
Victor Friedman

>Dear Ms. Valenzuela,
>Greek borrowed many Turkish verbs together with the 3rd person SINGULAR past
>tense suffix -di, using the derivative suffix -z- before the TAM endings. When
>Turkish verbs appear in other Balkan languages, they appear with a
>suffix -diz-
>, indicating that they must in fact have been borrowed via Greek, a 'third'
>On the other hand, the Spanish 3rd person PLURAL form ALSO would seem to me to
>be a likely source for borrowing verbs, as it is the least personal one. For
>people intending just to borrow the lexeme itself it therefore seems to be the
>most likely source.
>The Turkish --> Balkan evidence is a bit different, as the 3rd person singular
>is, in Turkish, the unmarked member of the category, which can also be used
>when referring to plural subjects.
>I think you might, to decide for or against the 'third language' hypothesis,
>try to see whether (at least a majority of) the specific verbs of Spanish
>origin found in Shipibo-Konibo are also found in Quechua, but not necessarily
>the other way around.
>The use of the -n- might, of course, also have been extended by analogy (by
>either hypothesis).
>With sincere regards

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