[Lingtyp] Emergence of word-class systems

Paolo Ramat paoram at unipv.it
Sun Apr 2 09:24:15 UTC 2023

I'm not a follower of the generativist theory, but I think that the
neurolinguistic studies which originated in the frame of the innatist
approach  deserve to be known when speaking of  word classes and phrase
/ morphosyntactic structure's origins.
I would recommend  Moro, A. (2016) *The Boundaries of Babel. The Brain and
the Enigma of Impossible Languages*, Second Revised Edition, MIT Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Prof. Dr. Paolo Ramat
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Socio corrispondente
'Academia Europaea'
'Societas Linguistica Europaea', Honorary Member
Università di Pavia (retired)
Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori (IUSS Pavia) (retired)

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Il giorno dom 2 apr 2023 alle ore 08:57 Edoardo Nardi <e.nardi at unimarconi.it>
ha scritto:

> Dear John,
> I myself know very little about the topic you are interested in, but Luca
> Alfieri (Guglielmo Marconi University, Rome, Italy) has been studying PoS
> theory in typological terms as well as in Indo-European languages, with
> particular attention to the development of the adjective class from
> Proto-Indo-European to the historical languages, especially Latin, Greek
> and Vedic: it seems that PIE did not have lexical adjectives, and this
> scenario is still mostly preserved in Vedic, wherein “adjectives” were in
> fact forms derived from quality-denoting verb roots; by contrast, Latin
> clearly exhibits the lexical class of adjectives, and Homeric Greek attests
> a sort of halfway situation between Vedic and Latin, providing concrete
> evidence for the ongoing typological change. Besides the papers that I
> attach below, I also indicate the following works (whose pdfs I do no have):
> Alfieri, Luca (2016). The typological definition of the (apparently
> historical) notion of root. «Archivio Glottologico Italiano» 102 (1),
> 129-169.
> Alfieri, Luca / Gasbarra, Valentina (2021). The adjective class in Homeric
> Greek and the parts of speech change in the Indo-European languages. In:
> Biondi, Laura / Dedè, Francesco / Scala, Andrea (eds.), *Change in
> Grammar. Triggers, Paths, and Outcomes*, 7-26. Alessandria: Edizioni
> dell’Orso.
> I hope I was helpful!
> Edoardo Nardi
> e.nardi at unimarconi.it
> PhD Student
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> Il giorno 02 apr 2023, alle ore 00:57, John Mansfield <
> jbmansfield at gmail.com> ha scritto:
> Can anyone point me at literature speculating on how word-class systems
> may have emerged in human language? That is to say, if we assume that there
> are or were (proto-)languages without a clear word-class system, then how
> might one develop?
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