[Lingtyp] Emergence of word-class systems

David Gil gil at shh.mpg.de
Sun Apr 2 09:56:35 UTC 2023

Dear John,

If I may add some of my own works to the mix:

Gil, David (2000) "Syntactic Categories, Cross-Linguistic Variation and 
Universal Grammar", in P. M. Vogel and B. Comrie eds., /Approaches to 
the Typology of Word Classes/, Empirical Approaches to Language 
Typology, Mouton, Berlin and New York, 173-216.

Gil, David (2017) "Isolating-Monocategorial-Associational Language", in 
H. Cohen and C. Lefebvre eds, Handbook of Categorization in Cognitive 
Science, Second Edition, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 471-510.

In addition, the following, dealing mostly with the ontogeny of word 
classes, also has phylogenetic implications:

Gil, David (2010) "The Acquisition of Syntactic Categories in Jakarta 
Indonesian", in J. Don and R. Pfau eds., /Parts of Speech, Empirical and 
Theoretical Advances/,John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 135-167.(First appeared 
in /Studies in Language /32:637-669, 2008.)


On 02/04/2023 01:57, John Mansfield wrote:
> Can anyone point me at literature speculating on how word-class 
> systems may have emerged in human language? That is to say, if we 
> assume that there are or were (proto-)languages without a clear 
> word-class system, then how might one develop?
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David Gil

Senior Scientist (Associate)
Department of Linguistic and Cultural Evolution
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6, Leipzig, 04103, Germany

Email:gil at shh.mpg.de
Mobile Phone (Israel): +972-526117713
Mobile Phone (Indonesia): +62-082113720302
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