[Lingtyp] pain interjections

Ian Joo I.Joo at tilburguniversity.edu
Wed Jan 18 05:13:19 UTC 2023

Dear Maïa,

If you haven't looked at already, the Wiktionary page for "ouch" has many translations in other languages.


The vast majority seem to start with /a/. Japanese /ite/ is, however, from the adjective /itai/ 'painful'.


2023. 1. 18. 오후 1:13, PONSONNET Maia <maia.ponsonnet at cnrs.fr> 작성:

Dear all,

I am starting a study on pain interjections and the phonetic material they are made of.

Before I begin excavating individual lexical resources, I thought I'd put a request to the list.

Would you be able to share the forms of pain interjection(s) in the languages you know?

All I need is the form, with its phonetic transcription and any prosodic information; as well as its semantic scope (is it just pain or does it also express other experiences eg surprise, fear...?). If you can flag a published source where the interjection is documented this is ideal.

Also, if you can point to references containing lists of interjections (eg grammars), this will be extremely useful too.

Many many thanks for your contributions, it is wonderful to be able to rely on such a knowledgeable and generous community.

With kind regards,


Maïa Ponsonnet

Chargée de Recherche HDR @ CNRS Dynamique Du Langage

14, avenue Berthelot, 69007 Lyon, FRANCE  -- +33 4 72 72 65 46

Adjunct @ University of Western Australia

+ + + + +

Co-rédactrice en chef du Journal de la Société des Océanistes


De : Lingtyp <lingtyp-bounces at listserv.linguistlist.org> de la part de John Mansfield <jbmansfield at gmail.com>
Envoyé : mardi 17 janvier 2023 23:46
À : lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org
Cc : eelienu at pm.me
Objet : [Lingtyp] Re. ELAN FLEx ELAN round trip (Eline Visser)

Hi Eline, thanks for highlighting the difficulties of using the "ELAN → Flex → ELAN round trip workflow".

The version you linked to seems to be missing screenshots and perhaps some other parts, so I'm attaching the original PDF here.

I'm not sure if the problems you mention are due to changes in the software since 2015, or if these were always problems anyway. It was always a rather hacky, clumsy process!

I should also mention that when you get to the point of going ELAN → Flex → ELAN → Flex, things really seem to get difficult. I think this is because when your text has already been in Flex, it creates some kind of identifiers in the Flex database, then trying to re-import it with additional annotations always made it crash for me (even if I deleted the previous version of the text from Flex first).

I agree it would be great to have a more stable and user-friendly way of doing all this!

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