[Lingtyp] Pear film

Ilana Mushin i.mushin at uq.edu.au
Tue May 2 04:07:30 UTC 2023

Thanks John for providing the link. I can’t believe that this was the first time I actually have seen the film!

Ilana Mushin
Professor of Linguistics
Deputy Head of School
Linguistics Major Convener

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I acknowledge the Jagera and Turrbal peoples on whose land I live and work. Their sovereignty was never ceded.

From: Lingtyp <lingtyp-bounces at listserv.linguistlist.org> on behalf of John DuBois <dubois at ucsb.edu>
Date: Tuesday, 2 May 2023 at 1:11 am
To: Eline Visser <eelienu at protonmail.com>
Cc: lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org <lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org>
Subject: Re: [Lingtyp] Pear film
Dear all,
I've had several requests for the new digitization of the Pear Film. Here is a link:
I highly recommend that you use this version of the Pear Film, if you are considering using it to collect narratives -- or even if you're just presenting the film to your students.


John W. DuBois

Professor of Linguistics

University of California, Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara, California 93106


Email: dubois at ucsb.edu<mailto:dubois at ucsb.edu>

Zoom: Zoom room<https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/9851117049>

Web page: http://www.linguistics.ucsb.edu/faculty/dubois/

Rezonator: https://rezonator.com

On Sat, Apr 29, 2023 at 7:10 PM John DuBois <dubois at ucsb.edu<mailto:dubois at ucsb.edu>> wrote:
Dear all,
There is a better quality digitization of Wally Chafe's Pear Film, which I had made a few years ago using a Hollywood film service. This is of much higher quality than the one many people still seem to use. I would urge people to use this version, available from me (and hopefully soon to have a permanent home on a web server).
As for a persistent identifier, I'll look into getting one.
John DuBois


John W. DuBois

Professor of Linguistics

University of California, Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara, California 93106


Email: dubois at ucsb.edu<mailto:dubois at ucsb.edu>

Zoom: Zoom room<https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/9851117049>

Web page: http://www.linguistics.ucsb.edu/faculty/dubois/

Rezonator: https://rezonator.com

On Fri, Apr 28, 2023 at 4:02 AM Eline Visser <eelienu at protonmail.com<mailto:eelienu at protonmail.com>> wrote:

Is Wallace Chafe's Pear film archived somewhere with a persistent identifier? I don't need the file, I have it, but I want a persistent link to put in the references of a paper.

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