[Lingtyp] Encoding "right before" across languages

Juergen Bohnemeyer jb77 at buffalo.edu
Mon Apr 22 02:40:50 UTC 2024

Dear Joe Pun Ho Lui – If you are looking for adverbial connectives expressing ‘right before’, I got nothing. However, there are languages that have anaphoric temporal remoteness markers. In such languages, immediate past markers convey ‘right before’ when used anaphorically (as opposed to with utterance time). A case in point is Yucatec (Bohnemeyer 2023). (Another language in which anaphoric temporal remoteness markers have been attested is Luganda (Klecha & Bochnak 2015); however, the Luganda system does not include an immediate past marker.)

Best – Juergen

Bohnemeyer, J. (2023). Elicitation and documentation of tense and aspect. Language Documentation and Preservation Special Publication 26: 59-98.

Klecha, P., & M. R. Bochnak. (2015). Temporal remoteness and relativity. Talk presented at NELS 46.

Juergen Bohnemeyer (He/Him)
Professor, Department of Linguistics
University at Buffalo

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There’s A Crack In Everything - That’s How The Light Gets In
(Leonard Cohen)

From: Lingtyp <lingtyp-bounces at listserv.linguistlist.org> on behalf of Pun Ho Lui via Lingtyp <lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org>
Date: Sunday, April 21, 2024 at 21:31
To: <lingtyp at listserv.linguistlist.org>
Subject: Re: [Lingtyp] Encoding "right before" across languages
To make things clear, the referred ‘right before’ encodes a temporal relationship, as in Right before I sleep, I brush my teeth.

Pun Ho Lui <luiph001 at gmail.com> 於 2024年4月22日 上午9:26 寫道:

Dear all,

In a number of cross-linguistic works on adverbial subordination (e.g. Olguin Martinez, 2022; Kortmann, 1997; Hetterle, 2015), the logically possible subordinating connective ‘right before’ is not covered. In my experience of reading grammar books, I don’t feel like I have stumbled on any dedicated marker/construction for ‘right before’.

To my knowledge, the encoding of ‘right before’ can be, obviously, with an adverbial ‘right'+’before’. Another strategy is ‘as soon as…before’ in Cantonese.

I am wondering if you have stumbled on ‘right before’ in other languages.

Thank you.

Joe Pun Ho Lui

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