[Lingtyp] Intuitions about inclusive time reference

Christian Lehmann christian.lehmann at uni-erfurt.de
Thu Feb 15 09:25:29 UTC 2024

Heute wollte Maria ihren Antrag einreichen.

Am 14.02.2024 um 21:29 schrieb Östen Dahl:
> I would like to ask for intuitions about the following, in one or more 
> languages that you are acquainted with.
> Suppose your colleague Mary said on Monday: "Tomorrow I'm going to 
> submit my grant proposal." Now it's about noon on Tuesday, and you 
> have no idea whatsoever of the time of the realization of her 
> intention. Maybe she did it in the morning, maybe she'll wait until 
> midnight, and maybe she's just doing it right now. How would you 
> express the sentence below in your language(s), replacing SUBMIT by a 
> suitable verb form? The idea is that you should try to use a maximally 
> simple and natural formulation without excluding any possibility.
> Today Mary SUBMIT her grant proposal
> All comments are welcome.
> Thanks in advance!
> - Östen
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Prof. em. Dr. Christian Lehmann
Rudolfstr. 4
99092 Erfurt

Tel.: 	+49/361/2113417
E-Post: 	christianw_lehmann at arcor.de
Web: 	https://www.christianlehmann.eu
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