26.5511, Calls: English, Applied Ling, Gen Ling, Lang Acqu, Ling & Lit, Socioling/Indonesia
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Fri Dec 11 16:08:03 UTC 2015
LINGUIST List: Vol-26-5511. Fri Dec 11 2015. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 26.5511, Calls: English, Applied Ling, Gen Ling, Lang Acqu, Ling & Lit, Socioling/Indonesia
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry, Sara Couture)
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Editor for this issue: Amanda Foster <amanda at linguistlist.org>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2015 11:07:44
From: Catherina Nilam [cathnilamps at yahoo.com]
Subject: The Fourth Undergraduate Conference on ELT, Linguistics, and Literature
Full Title: Fourth Undergraduate Conference on ELT, Linguistics, and Literature
Short Title: 4th UC USD
Date: 18-Jun-2016 - 18-Jun-2016
Location: Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Contact Person: Catherina Nilam
Meeting Email: cathnilamps at yahoo.com
Web Site: http://uc-pbi-usd.blogspot.com
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; General Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Ling & Literature; Sociolinguistics
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
Call Deadline: 01-Mar-2016
Meeting Description:
4th Undergraduate Conference on ELT, Lingustics, and Literature 2016 is organized by English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. This event is an undergraduate conference. We welcome abstracts and full papers from all undergraduate students.
In this globalization era, which is significant for development in every aspect of life, people are faced to the challenges in fulfilling their needs. To achieve it, they are required to communicate and make some relations with other people. As a consequence, mastering a language becomes their need to develop themselves. Therefore, language is important as the information and communication tool.
Some languages are considered as an international language in this globalization era to bring information and communication around the world. One of those international languages is English. In Indonesia, English plays an important role. Regardless of age, social status, religion, or gender, people learn English. For example, in a public area, we can easily find banners, brochures, or announcements written in English.
Having observed the importance of English in Indonesia, English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University have held The First Undergraduate Conference on ELT, Linguistics, and Literature in 2013 and The Second Undergraduate Conference on ELT, Linguistics, and Literature in, 2014. From the participants’ enthusiasm and the participation, this seminar was considered a success. As the action of improvement, English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University will hold The Third Undergraduate Conference on ELT, Linguistics, and Literature on June 13, 2015. This program is important in order to provide opportunities for undergraduate students to develop their English knowledge and skills. Besides that, they are given the chance to share their ideas, opinions, and thoughts in relation to language.
Principally, there are three major fields which will be accommodated in this conference: English Language Teaching (ELT), linguistics, and literature. Discussing ELT, undergraduate students can, for example, talk about the influence of English on education such as teaching English inside or outside class, designing appropriate materials, or managing classroom. Meanwhile, in linguistics, they can bring up, for instance, English phonology, English morphology, English pragmatics as the topics. Last but not least, discussing literature enables undergraduate students to investigate the role of English towards Indonesian literary works and other related topics.
Call for Papers:
We welcome all papers about ELT, Linguistics, and Literature from undergraduate students.
Language: Emerging Unity in Diversity
- Feminism as depicted in literature
- Values revealed in written literary works
- Implementation of 2013 Curriculum in Indonesia
- The use of technology to improve students' motivation
- Netizen's language expression
- Striving critical thinking through language
(Other topics relevant to the theme are considered)
Abstract and full paper must be written on quarto or A4 paper, single-spaced, Times New Roman, font 11, in Ms. Word (.doc or .docx) file.
Abstract Submission Process:
- Abstracts must be written within 150 words.
- Abstracts must be submitted in Ms. Word file at the latest May 2, 2015.
- All abstracts will be reviewed by UC Committee.
- The authors of selected abstracts will be notified at the latest May 9, 2015.
- Abstract submission form can be downloaded at: http://uc-pbi-usd.blogspot.com/p/submission-1.html
Full Paper Submission Process:
- Full papers must be written within 2500-4000 words.
- As soon as the selected authors are notified, they are required to submit their full papers.
- Full papers must be submitted at the latest May 16, 2015
- The selected authors are required to present their papers in the conference on June 13, 2015.
- Full paper submission form can be download in: http://uc-pbi-usd.blogspot.com/p/submission-1.html
- To submit your full paper, please send it to UCsanatadharma at gmail.com with the subject: FULL PAPER_COMPLETE NAME_UNIV. NAME_PAPER TITLE
For further information, please contact us via email, ucsanatadharma at gmail.com
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