35.3203, Books: Motivation, Autonomy and Emotions in Foreign Language Learning: Csizér, Smid, Zólyomi and Albert (2024)

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Wed Nov 13 06:05:02 UTC 2024

LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3203. Wed Nov 13 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.3203, Books: Motivation, Autonomy and Emotions in Foreign Language Learning: Csizér, Smid, Zólyomi and Albert (2024)

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
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Editor for this issue: Joel Jenkins <joel at linguistlist.org>


Date: 12-Nov-2024
From: Flo McClelland [flo at multilingual-matters.com]
Subject: Motivation, Autonomy and Emotions in Foreign Language Learning: Csizér, Smid, Zólyomi and Albert (2024)

Title: Motivation, Autonomy and Emotions in Foreign Language Learning
Subtitle: A Multi-Perspective Investigation in Hungary
Series Title: Psychology of Language Learning and Teaching
Publication Year: 2024
Publisher: Multilingual Matters
Book URL:

Author: Kata Csizér
Author: Dávid Smid
Author: Anna Zólyomi
Author: Ágnes Albert
Hardback: ISBN: 9781800412750 Pages: 174 Price: U.S. $ 139.95
Hardback: ISBN: 9781800412750 Pages: 174 Price: U.K. £ 99.95
Paperback: ISBN: 9781800412743 Pages: 174 Price: U.S. $ 39.95
Paperback: ISBN: 9781800412743 Pages: 174 Price: U.K. £ 29.95

This book highlights the roles of several individual difference (ID)
variables on the language learning process, exploring them from both
the students’ and the teachers’ perspectives. It presents the results
of a large-scale, mixed-methods investigation which was conducted with
secondary school pupils and their teachers in Hungary. The
quantitative questionnaire data is used to analyze the English
language learners’ motivation, autonomy and self-efficacy beliefs, and
to examine the relationships between these and a wide range of
positive and negative emotions. The qualitative data, consisting of
interviews with teachers, gives voice not only to an understanding of
student-related ID variables but also to teachers’ reflections on
their own cognitive, affective and behavioral processes. Taken
together, the contrastive analysis of these two datasets yields
interactional results that provide fresh insights into the language
learning process and practical classroom applications.

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics

Written In: English (eng)


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3203

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