LL-L: "Etymology" LOWLANDS-L, 17.AUG.2000 (02) [E/LS]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 17 14:54:58 UTC 2000
L O W L A N D S - L * 17.AUG.2000 (02) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachean, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic
From: Henry Pijffers [hpijffers at home.nl]
Subject: Standardization
Hallo Ron / list,
As this is a question about just 1 word in particular, I'll continue in
'cause I don't think non-speakers would be able to answer it.
Nuu muest de my maal 1 ding seggen. Ik see Noord-Duytschers oeftentyds
'nen berich starten met "moin", of dubbelt, "moin moin". Meent daet "good
morning" of so wat? As daet so is, ik schryv immer "morn", mar sprek dat uut
as "mo'n", met 'nen extra langen /o/. Wuu sprekt man dat uut in et noorden? As
man daet etselfde uutsprekt, of minstens 'n betten lykwys, wat sol dan den
besten schryvwys wesen?
From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yahoo.com]
Subject: Etymology
[The following is in Low Saxon (Low German) and English.]
Moin, Henry, Leeglanners!
Dat 't Gröten "Moin!" (dat 'n den helen Dag lang bruken kann) vun "Morgen!",
d.h. so wat as "Goden Morgen!", afkamen is, dat glöövt ook 'n helen Barg
Norddüütsche. Ook Amerikaners hebbt mie dat al fraagt. Avers de Uutspraak
vun "Moin!" is [mO.In], un de vun "Morgen!" is [moAgN] or "Morrn!" [moAn]. De
Lüüd' sünd sick nu moden, dat "Moin!" vun dat Woord "moi" afkümmt, d.h. vun so
wat as "('n) moien Dag!", "Moien Morgen!", "Moien Avend!" De Bewies is sachs,
dat dütt Gröten tomeerst in de Dialekten bruukt wardt, in de ook dat Woord
"moi" bruukt wardt. Annere Dialekten bruukt staats "moi" so wat as "schöön",
"good" or "angeneem", man dat gifft ook 'n Barg Dialekten, in de "moi" maist
bloots för dat Wedder bruukt wardt. Nu is "Moin!" up'n Padd 'n allgemeen
neddersassisch/nedderdüütsch Gröten to warden, d.h. ook in Dialekten, de "moi"
anners nich bruukt. Technisch verklaart, schull dat "Moien!" schreven warden.
Moin, Henry, Lowlanders!
Henry asked if the salutation _Moin!_, which is used by some North Germans,
and which can be used at any time of the day, has been derived from _Morgen!_
('Morning!'). This is also what many North Germans believe, and some
Americans have asked me the same question. However, the pronunciation of
_Moin!_ is [mO.In] and that of _Morgen_ is [moAgN], or _Morrn_ [moAn]. It is
believed that _Moin!_ comes from _moi_ [mO.I] 'pleasant', i.e., from something
like _('n) moien Dag!_ ("(A) pleasant day!"), _Moien Morgen!_ ("Pleasant
morning!"), _Moien Avend!_ ("Pleasant evening!"). Proof appears to be that
this form of salutation originates from dialects that also have _moi_, where
other Low Saxon/Low German dialect have _schöön_, _good_ or _angeneem_
instead, and there are also dialects in which _moi_ is used only in reference
to weather. _Moin!_ now appears to be well on its way toward becoming a
generally used Low Saxon/Low German salutation, i.e., also in dialects in
which _moi_ is not used otherwise. Technically speaking, it ought to be
written _Moien!_.
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