LL-L: "Plautdietsch" LOWLANDS-L, 18.FEB.2000 (01) [E/German]
Lowlands-L Administrator
sassisch at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 18 19:18:44 UTC 2000
L O W L A N D S - L * 18.FEB.2000 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans, Ap=Appalachean, D=Dutch, E=English, F=Frisian, L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German), S=Scots, Sh=Shetlandic
From: Edwin Michael Alexander [edsells at idirect.com]
Subject: Plautdietsche Weadbüak
Participants may be interested in a new "Mennonite Low German" dictionary
produced by the Hanover Steinbach Historical Society, and available from
In Canada
Dr. Jack Thiessen
Box 135
New Bothwell, MB R0A 1CO
email <janda at coco.net> or phone 204-388-5233
In Europe:
Mennonitische Bücher
Gerbach 3
D 67295 Weierhof
Post Bolanden
Tel. 06352-5494
Here's an interesting quote from a review of this publication in Der Bote
(9. Februar 2000): "In Brasilien wurde den Mennoniten im 2. Weltkrieg die
Benutzeung der deutschen Sparch als sonntägliche Predigtsprache aus
kleinlichen Gründen verboten. Sie schalteten auf Plattdeutsch um und
deklarierten das als "Holländish". Die behörden waren es zufrieden".
Ed Alexander
80 Jones Street Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8R 1Y1
Pager: 905-545-0177 Fax: 905-525-6671 Email: edsells at idirect.com
Jag Realty Inc.: http://www.deerhurst.com/jag/
Ontario Ultra Series: http://ous.kw.net/
Burlington Runners Club: http://www.deerhurst.com/brc/
From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yahoo.com]
Subject: Plautdietsch
Thanks for the announcement of the new dictionary (above), Ed. I am posting
it under "Plautdietsch" rather than under "Printed resources" because you are
opening a discussion with the added paragraph/quote:
> Here's an interesting quote from a review of this publication in Der Bote
> (9. Februar 2000): "In Brasilien wurde den Mennoniten im 2. Weltkrieg die
> Benutzeung der deutschen Sparch als sonntägliche Predigtsprache aus
> kleinlichen Gründen verboten. Sie schalteten auf Plattdeutsch um und
> deklarierten das als "Holländish". Die behörden waren es zufrieden".
Is it not also true that some Mennonites in the former Soviet Union tried to
pass as Dutch, obviously under pressure of anti-German sentiments? Or is this
merely anecdotal? If it is true, was/is there anything official involved?
For example, did/does this allow them to evade official ethnic classification
in their registration and ID papers as "German" (one of the official
ethnicities)? If so, what was/is their classification then (assuming that
there is a given number of possible classifications not including "Dutch")?
Did/do they become "Others"? Was/is "Others" possible?* Or was/is this
merely informal? If any of this is true, is it still going on?
(* I am assuming it was/is not possible, considering that China's ethnicity
classification, with which I am more familiar, is at least in part based upon
the same thinking mode and does not really permit classification of "Other",
the result being that people of unrecognized ethnicities are allocated to
officially recognized ones; e.g., most Oirads and even [Turkic] Tuvas/Tuvins
being classed as "Mongols," and, at least until recently, Jews being classed
as "Hui" [Muslim] or "Han" [Chinese proper].)
Clarification would be very much appreciated.
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