LL-L "Lexicon" 2002.01.28 (01) [E]
sassisch at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 28 19:09:22 UTC 2002
L O W L A N D S - L * 28.JAN.2002 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian L=Limburgish
LS=Low Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
From: "Expreszo" <expreszo at zeelandnet.nl>
Subject: lexicon
Dear Ron,
Thank you for your reaction.
I asked for equivalents in Lowland varieties of the Zeelandic word > (Z)
druksjes: (D) dropjes
You wrote:
>(E) (Amer.) (hard) candy, (Brit.) sweets, (Austral.) lollies
>(NLS) Bolten (boltn) ['bO.ltn=], Boltjen (boltjen) ['bO.ltjen], Bontjes
>(bontjes) ['bOntjes], Buntjes (boentjes) ['bUntjes], Boltjes (boltes)
>(G) Bonbon(s), (Missingsch) Bontjes, Bontschies
But I'm afraid that is the wrong translation. I think the right one
should be something like Lacorice or Lakritz (the spelling can be
completely wrong). In French it is réglisse.
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Lexicon
Margot van Baalen* wrote about my translation of Zeelandic _druksjes_
(Dutch _dropjes_):
> >(E) (Amer.) (hard) candy, (Brit.) sweets, (Austral.) lollies
> >(NLS) Bolten (boltn) ['bO.ltn=], Boltjen (boltjen) ['bO.ltjen], Bontjes
> >(bontjes) ['bOntjes], Buntjes (boentjes) ['bUntjes], Boltjes (boltes)
> >['bOltjes]
> >(G) Bonbon(s), (Missingsch) Bontjes, Bontschies
> But I'm afraid that is the wrong translation. I think the right one
> should be something like Lacorice or Lakritz (the spelling can be
> completely wrong). In French it is réglisse.
Oh, sorry! I should have known, because I knew Afrikaans _drop_ with
the same meaning. So, here we go:
(E) liquorice ~ licorice (pronounced as "lickerish" by many) (This
noun is usually uncountable; i.e., you can't make a plural form
of it.)
(NLS) Lakritz(e) [lQ'krIts(e)] (This noun is usually uncountable;
i.e., you can't make a plural form of it.). I n various dialects of
Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania (i.e., the northern part of former
East Germany), and probably also elsewhere, the "nicknames"
_Muusschiet_ ['mu:sSi:t] ("mouse droppings," cf. the origin of the
Dutch treat _muisjes_), _Barenschiet_ ~ _Borenschiet_ ['bQ:3nSi:t]
("bear droppings"), _Schosterstripp_ ['SoUs3strIp] ~
_Schausterstripp_ ['SaUst3strIp] ("shoemaker's/cobbler's yarn"),
or _Ossenbloot_ ['?Osn=,bloUt] ~ _Ossenblaut_ ['?Osn=,blaUt] ("ox
(G) Lakritze (This noun is usually uncountable; i.e., you can't make a
plural form of it.)
The _liquorice_ group of words comes from Old French _licoresse_, which
is derived from Late Latin _liquiritia_ which comes from Greek
_glukurrhiza_ ("sweet root," i.e., _Glycyrrhiza glabra_, German
_Süßholz_ "sweet-wood," from which the edible form is made).
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