LL-L "Language varieties" 2002.06.28 (03) [E]

Lowlands-L sassisch at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 28 15:25:19 UTC 2002

 L O W L A N D S - L * 28.JUN.2002 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
 Web Site: <http://www.geocities.com/sassisch/rhahn/lowlands/>
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 A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian L=Limburgish
 LS=Low Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)

From: Holger Weigelt <platt at HOLGER-WEIGELT.DE>
Subject: LL-L "Numerals" 2002.06.25 (03) [E]

>From: "David Elsworth" <david_elsworth at hotmail.com>
>Subject: Numbers!
>Dear Ron / Lowlanders
>It was with great interest that I read the letter of Luc Hellinckx and
>various expressions, and also the responses that his letter generated.
>With the same aim in mind as Luc, that is to choose universal words that
>highlight the subtle differences between the lowlands languages, I have
>decided to compile a list of numbers, as these words are generally quite
>I have so far translated this list into English, Dutch and German, but
>knowledge of Frisian and Low Saxon is presently far from complete so I
>need some help from the other members in preparing this table.

Hello David !
Here the numbers in the Eastern Friesland Low Saxon variant.
(Because of display problems I write special letters as their names +
diacritics in square brackets. Long vowels are followed by a colon - the
correct character is the vowel with a stroke above. The ae-ligature of
alternative spelling means the same sound as denoted by this letter in
Please mention that ~ei~ [EI] in the alternative spelling means an other
sound than ~ei~ [aI] in the German based orthography.
The numerals 13-19 show an interesting irregularity because the long
in ta:jn should regularly be changed to short ~ai~ not to ~ei~ which is
short equivalent to long ~[a-Umlaut]j~ (regular example: dr[a-Umlaut]j /
dreihunnert = 3 / 300).
There are some local variations as well. For example: tw[a-Umlaut]j
sounds [tvE:I] but in some areas You can also hear [tvIEI]. In my
below I only present the most widespread "standard"-pronounciation.
>      ENGLISH    Eastern Friesland Low Saxon
           alternative / "traditional" German based orthography /
>1     one        [a-Umlaut]ien / een
>2     two        tw[a-Umlaut]j / twee  [tvE:I]
>3     three      dr[a-Umlaut]j / dree     [drE:I]
>4     four       f[2x ae-ligature] /veer
>5     five       f[i+accent circonfl.]w / fief
>6     six        s[a-Umlaut]es / sess [zE:@s]
>7     seven      s[2x o-Umlaut]ven / söven (speak: s[long o-Umlaut]m)
>8     eight      a:cht / acht
>9     nine       ne:gen / negen
>10    ten        ta:jn / tein
>11    eleven     elm / elm
>12    twelve     twalm / twalm
>13    thirteen   dartein / dartein [speak: datEIn]
>14    fourteen   fe(r)tein / vertein [speak: fEtEIn]
>15    fifteen    fi:ftein / fieftein
>16    sixteen    ('t) sestein / sestein
>17    seventeen  ('t) s[2x o-Umlaut]mtein / söventein
>18    eighteen   achtein / achtein
>19    nineteen   ne:gentein / negentein
>20    twenty     twintergh / twintig
>30    thirty     da:rtergh / dartig
>40    forty      f[ae-ligature]rtergh / veertig
>50    fifty      fi:ftergh / fieftig
>60    sixty      't sestergh / sestig
>70    seventy    't s[2x o-Umlaut]mtergh / söventig
>80    eighty     't aghenterg / tachentig (speak: tangtergh)
>90    ninety     't ne:gentergh / negentig (speak: t-ne:ngtergh)
>100   hundred    hunnert / hunnert


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