LL-L "Delectables" 2003.12.08 (02) [E]

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Mon Dec 8 17:15:19 UTC 2003

L O W L A N D S - L * 08.DEC.2003 (02) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Frédéric Baert <baert_frederic at CARAMAIL.COM>
Subject: LL-L "Delectables" 2003.12.07 (01) [E]


>Hi Ron and Frédéric
>In the border villages or cities in West-Flanders you can find these
>little Jesus cookies also (like in Veurne/Ieper/Poperinge)
>The word "piezewiet" also means little man (boeleke  / ukje /
>peutertje). I think that the name  comes from the mothers who wanted
>their very little boys to begin to pee (outside their pampers). They
>then used the sound, very soft and gently: "piezewiezewiezewies". And
>thus "piezewiet" also can mean  the little willy of that boy!

I'm sure you're right : I remember some of the first words I heard when I
was very young. My mother used to say this to make me laugh but perhaps she
did it before to make me pee ! Correctly said, it can make laugh every
babies ! She explained me her grand-father used to say this to her when she
was a very little girl so I think it was quite "traditionnaly" here in
french Flanders. Here's how she did :
She begun to say "hurkt ekee ! Maer gy moet 't tegen niemand zeggen"
(Listen ! But you can't say it to nobody). Then she said in my
ear : "wiezewieze kattes strount" (I'd rather not translate it !!!).
Flemish bilabial pronunciation of "w" in "wiezewieze" make you blow in the
ear when you said this ! I can guarantee you it make laugh all children !

Another clue is another nickname my parents but more specially my grand-
mother used with me (it always make my father laugh and now I know why !).
I know this one means something like cute little willy. It's "Piet'je koo"
(litterally "cute little Peter"). I think even nowadays, many of dunkerke
inhabitants could still understand it. See the extraordinary site :
It's in the links of the site.

>In Flanders we use both speculaas and speculoos. We have thick ones and
>thin versions. It is eaten all year round. I eat it very day  with my
>slices of bread with some chocolat(s). Speculoos  baked with almonds
>taste delicious. The cookies i eat are also molded in figurines,
>something like a 'sinterklaas' or 'zwarte piet' i think.
>luc vanbrabant
In France we only say "speculoos" and we also eat them all year round,
usually during coffe break and not only in Flemish-speaking area but in all
the rgion "Nord pas de Calais" in France.

I think the mothers means to make a baby pee is also part of a land
traditions !

Frederic Baert

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