LL-L "Names" 2004.05.18 (04) [E]

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Tue May 18 15:35:02 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 18.MAY.2004 (04) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: leslie at volny.cz <leslie at volny.cz>
Subject: Names

On the subject of funny names, how about a near-miss for you?  A
few years ago, when I was on an exchange year in Leiden, a friend
of mine from the States came to visit.  During that time, he got
very sick and needed a doctor.  I had a list of doctors which the
international office had given me, so I asked my landlord if he
knew one of them.  He pointed out his doctor, who was just around
the corner, called Dr. Luijk.  My friend, who had taken a little
bit of Dutch, looked at the name and said, "No way!"  I said,
"Why?" He looked at it again, relief washed over his face, and
then said, "Oh sorry, never mind. Ok, let's call him."
Apparently he had misread the name and thought it was Dr. Lijk
(corpse, dead body)!

Leslie Decker

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