LL-L "Genealogy" 2004.09.29 (08) [E]
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Wed Sep 29 18:15:15 UTC 2004
L O W L A N D S - L * 29.SEP.2004 (08) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: john feather <johnfeather at sceptic1.freeserve.co.uk>
Subject: Genealogy
Gabriele wrote:
>I assume the word you meant to use was "colonize"? There were civilizations
living there [in New Jersey and New Amsterdam] before, and I think they
could very well have done without a bunch of "god-fearing" Puritans to cheat
them out of their homes, land, faith, language, culture, health, traditions,
and lives...
>Speaking for my youngest daughter, who is part Cherokee.<
Please let's not be so sensitive about these things. I took it that
"civilized" was either
1) ironic
2) Spenglerian
3) one of those errors which we frequently find in Lowlands postings and
usually politely ignore.
As to the Cherokee, according to my encyclopaedia they originally lived near
the Great Lakes until driven out to the SE, nowhere the New York area, by
the Iroquois who were a thoroughly nasty bunch. Sorry, who had cultural
traditions which happened to involve beating everyone else up and enslaving
Why do we pick sides among our ancestors? Would Gabriele's daughter be
better off without her European heritage?
John Feather CS johnfeather at sceptic1.freeserve.co.uk
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