LL-L "Proverbs" 2006.04.28 (07) [E/LS]
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Fri Apr 28 16:45:16 UTC 2006
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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L O W L A N D S - L * 28 April 2006 * Volume 07
From: "Global Moose Translations" <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Proverbs" 2006.04.28 (02) [D/E/LS]
Tom wrote:
>> How about
>> "Al draagt een aap een gouden ring, het is en blijft een lelijk ding"
>> (whether or not it wears a golden ring, a monkey is an ugly thing)
>> Maybe a
>> more realistic look at life. No amount of kisses will help that one.
>With my zoology background I must disagree, all animals have their
>own wondrous beauty.
Well, maybe they meant a specific monkey, like the Red Uakari...
Gabriele Kahn
From: "Stellingwerfs Eigen" <info at stellingwerfs-eigen.nl>
Subject: LL-L "Proverbs"
Arend wrote:
> fraaie kleederen en sieraden kunnen een leelijk mensch niet bevallig
> maken, of: pracht en praal verheffen niemand tot den beschaafden standâ?T;
En ik altied mar daenken: "Kleren maken de man!"
Spreuken en zeggies, gek wo'k d'r van...;-)
Mit een vrundelike groet uut Stellingwarf,
Piet Bult
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Proverbs
Consider these:
Tagalog (Filipino):
Damitan mo man ang matsing, matsing pa rin.
(A monkey dressed up is still a monkey.)
Spanish (Castilian):
Aunque la mona se vista de seda mona se queda.
(Though the monkey dresses in silk, a monkey she remains.)
And also:
(In his mother's eyes a monkey is a gazelle.)
Makak pa janm kwe petit-li led.
(A monkey never thinks her baby is ugly.)
On a serious side, this choice of "monkey" in connection with physical
appearance ought to remind us that we humans tend to pass harsher judgment
upon those that are closest to us (i.e., those with whom we have the most
in common). In the case of languages and cultures, we tend to make more
fun of or even criticize those that are most closely related to our own,
usually the ones just across the border, or just a few miles away in the
next village or so -- making the most of small differences to
differentiate between their inferiority (or "weirdness") and our
superiority (or "normality").
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