LL-L "Resources" 2006.03.12 (07) [E]
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Sun Mar 12 22:55:49 UTC 2006
L O W L A N D S - L * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
L O W L A N D S - L * 12 March 2006 * Volume 07
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Resources
We are fast approaching our 11th anniversary in May of this year, and it is
high time for some increased action on the anniversary project front:
Lately it has only been Mathieu van Woerkom, Mike Szelog and I that have
been working on it and have recruited outside contributors. It's time for
the rest of you to spring into action, if not as translators or narrators
then as facilitators (e.g., recruiting outsiders or helping in other ways).
Please write to me if you can help and if you have something new for us.
On the following page you can see what is new:
Most recently, I added a table of contents in German. I did so because it
has come to my attention that quite a few older interested people in Germany
have a hard time finding their way around, though they like looking at the
translations and listening to the sound files. Many people of that
generation have little or no English and rely on others for direction to
specific pages. Though parallel indices in Dutch, Scandinavian, etc., would
be welcome, I assume a need for them is not as great, as English proficiency
in the relevant countries is generally high even among the elderly.
Parrallel indices in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Polish,
Czech, Japanese and a few others are probably more important in this regard.
If any of you could volunteer to translate the introduction and a few key
words, we'd happily post them and could take care of any remaining language
names after that.
Introduction (rough text template):
We are presenting to a Low Saxon (Low German) fable translated into numerous
languages and dialects. Some of them come with sound recordings.
Up to now many friends all over the world have participated in this effort.
You, too, are invited to participate by sending us further translations
and/or sound recordings. Please get in touch with us either by clicking
[here] or by writing to the addresses <lowlands-l(AT)lowlands-l.net> or
<sassisch(AT)yahoo.com> (in which case you need to write @ in place of
Almost all pages here are offered in English. But one can enjoy the
different translations and sound-recordings even without any English or with
very basic English proficiency.
This version of the table of contents should help {put your language
here}-speaking visitors without a much English to find their way around this
{symbol} This symbol marks languages and dialects that belong to the actual
range of topics of Lowlands L.
{symbol} This symbol means that you can not only read a translation but that
you can listen to it as well.
Key words:
Contents (Site Map)
Initial Page (or: Front Page)
What Is Lowlands-L?
People (Introductions)
Language Samples
Contact (Language) Varieties
Constructed (or: Artificial) Languages
Extinct (Language) Varieties
About This Site
General Introduction (or: About This Presentation)
Team (or: Participants)
Folks, please remember that this site is well visited everyday and that it
is apparently making a difference. So here is your chance to help shine
your bright lights where general education doesn't even put a candle.
Some of you have already promised contributions and have not yet come
through. No, I'm not forgetting them, so you'd better do something before I
crack the whip more sharply. (Why, some people might even lose their
Hawaiian names of honor ...)
Thanks in advance!
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