LL-L "Demographics" 2007.04.15 (02) [E]
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Sun Apr 15 16:50:28 UTC 2007
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L O W L A N D S - L - 15 April 2007 - Volume 02
From: Wesley Parish <wes.parish at paradise.net.nz>
Subject: LL-L "Demographics" 2007.04.14 (01) [E]
On Sunday 15 April 2007 08:28, Lowlands-L List wrote:
> From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Demographics
> Wesley, you seem to be talking about the old Australian citizenship laws.
> Since the changes of 2002, an Australian citizen acquiring another
> citizenship is no longer stripped of his or her Australian citizenship.
Thanks, Ron.
I'm afraid I was. I had no idea it had changed - apart from a law making it
necessary for New Zealanders to specifically apply for Australian
for any of their children born in Australia.
> From: Paul Finlow-Bates <wolf_thunder51 at yahoo.co.uk>
> Subject: LL-L "Demographics" 2007.04.13 (02) [E]
> From: Wesley Parish < wes.parish at paradise.net.nz>
> Subject: LL-L "Demographics" 2007.04.12 (03) [E]
> I'm a fourth and sixth generation Kiwi all around, but with an Australian
> grandfather courtesy of my mother's side. But I was born overseas, in
> Papua New Guinea, no less ... citizenship law has some absurdities, no
> doubt about that. ----------
> When I lived in Papua New Guinea about 25 years ago several friends had
> babies born there. As children of expatriates they had no rights to PNG
> citizenship, and until they were registered with both the PNG authorities
> and the Consulate or Embassy of their parents' country, they were
> stateless, illegal immigrants!
> Paul
Yep, I found out that my parents had registered me with the New Zealand
authorities, but the registration office for New Zealanders' children born
the Pacific was in Samoa. Colonial history! ;)
And I was registered with the Australian authorities - since PNG was an
Australian territory at the time - but not as an Australian citizen, though,
in spite of having a grandfather who was born in Mount Morgan the year after
Federation. I don't think my mother would've known. To the best of my
knowledge, I'm still an Australian Protected Person! ;)
I would be very interested to know just what the parameters of this "right"
citizenship involve, since I apparently share a common first name with one
the culture heroes of a people who live in the Torricellis, and who
consequently regard me as one of them - my parents lived there for a number
of years after my birth, and got on famously with the locals because of
me! ;)
Wesley Parish
Clinersterton beademung, with all of love - RIP James Blish
Gaul is quartered into three halves. Things which are
impossible are equal to each other. Guerrilla
warfare means up to their monkey tricks.
Extracts from "Schoolboy Howlers" - the collective wisdom
of the foolish.
Mau e ki, he aha te mea nui?
You ask, what is the most important thing?
Maku e ki, he tangata, he tangata, he tangata.
I reply, it is people, it is people, it is people.
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Demographics
Hi, Wesley!
You wrote:
> I'm afraid I was. I had no idea it had changed - apart from a law making
> necessary for New Zealanders to specifically apply for Australian
> for any of their children born in Australia.
I hope the mutual free migration deal is still in place between Australia
and New Zealand, though. I really like that. I enjoyed knowing bunches of
Kiwis in and around Perth and being invited to Maori parties there, and I
always enjoyed entertaining the possibility of moving to New Zealand without
any real paperwork -- despite the relatively cold weather and all those
earthquakes there, something Aussies like to go on and on about, especially
when Kiwis are present.
> To the best of my
> knowledge, I'm still an Australian Protected Person! ;)
Oh, we do love protecting you, Wes!
> I apparently share a common first name with one of
> the culture heroes of a people who live in the Torricellis, and who
> consequently regard me as one of them - my parents lived there for a
> of years after my birth, and got on famously with the locals because of
> me! ;)
You could be crowned king yet. Things like that have happened. But what if
they only give credit to your parents for giving you that name and they
couldn't care less about you? ;-)
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