LL-L "Etymology" 2007.07.30 (01) [E]

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Mon Jul 30 16:04:12 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L  -  30 July 2007 - Volume 01


From: Maria Elsie Zinsser <ezinsser at icon.co.za>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2007.07.29 (01) [E]

Hi all,

Ja, Ron, busyness likes company but in between work responsibilities,
building onto my house and renting the extension to my nephew, feeding
the dogs twice daily, picking up their landmines, shop, walk, eat, sleep,
it gets difficult to know one's brass from one's oboe!

Dankie, Mark! As Ron said 'what a save!

*>Cognate with the English shoat, I hear, & with the same in some other
Lowlands language, 'sgout'? Ron, which one?*

Ron:*Theoretically, this ought to be *skoot in Afrikaans.

We call that a speenvarkie, I think! Unless it's the 'varksotjie' word.


Elsie Zinsser

From: "heatherrendall at tiscali.co.uk"
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2007.07.29 (01) [E]

Mark Dreyer wrote:
>>True, sod is a cut of earth with the grass binding it. Even so, I am wary
of euphemism, but folk etymology if nothing else hath it that the term 'sod'
in that application is a dainty abbreviation of the word 'sodomite'. Uttered
in somilar spirit: Poor old bugger, even though he had never been to
Bulgeria, or "that way inclined": Poor old bastard, even though both the
bloke's parents were married in church - to each other.<<

There again 'bugger' might be derived quite 'properly' from Celtic 'bwg' = a
hobgoblin  see also 'bogie'
bwgwth = to frighten   to scare

 "I'll be buggered" is no irreverent wish but a statement of fact " I'm
stymied/ puzzled/can't make it out" perhaps even 'spellbound'




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