LL-L "Etymology" 2008.01.27 (07) [E]

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Sun Jan 27 19:35:50 UTC 2008


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L O W L A N D S - L  -  27 January 2008 - Volume 07

From: Elsie Zinsser <ezinsser at icon.co.za>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2008.01.27 (04) [E]

Hi all,

Frank, 'moewiese' is a euphemistic form derived from 'moerse'.
Moerse means 'mother' (as in uterus =  'moer').


Moerse skip > Moewiese skip ("large")
Moewiese groot koek ("fabulous")
Moewiese ete ("tasty")
Moewiese pak slae ("unforgetful")

The term moerse is considered vulgar and hence children and young adults
(pre 18) bend
the word to moewiese, which renders it more acceptable to parental ears.

Another one is:
befok > bevonk

Elsie Zinsser

From: Frank <frank.verhoft at skynet.be>
Subject: Etymology

Hi all,

I recently came across an Afrikaans word that fascinates me: mowiese.

In following sentences (all quoted from Afrikaans message boards and
e-groups) 'mowiese' is an adejective, which seems to mean something as
'very' (or terrific, terrible, great, awesome, etc.).

"I can confirm that 'n moewiese groot yacht recently sailed up the
"daar is moewiese pryse "
"met 'n moewiese spuit en boor in die hand" (it's about a visit to the
dentist :-).

Where does the word come from? Is there any relation to 'mowies' (movies)?

And what about 'mowiese saal'? Does it mean 'movie theater' or 'awesome


Frank Verhoft



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