LL-L "Lexicon" 2008.10.05 (05) [E]
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L O W L A N D S - L - 05 October 2008 - Volume 05
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From: KarlRein at aol.com
Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2008.10.05 (01) [E]
It would be interesting to see at what age children acquire "pillow" and at
what age they acquire "cushion," if anyone happens to be able to tell us.
It may well be that "pillow" is for both for a year or two! And to know
whether a young child even realizes that roast beef has anything to do with
the animal that he or she learns says "moo." (An aside: many city kids have
actually even seen a cow, but they know that English-speaking cows say "moo"
in English.)
If it weren't for one author, writing in English and about English, I wonder
if we would be all this aware of the lamb - mutton distinction. My former
colleague Cal Cannon once did a talk about these parallel distinctions in
Spanish (cuello vs. pescuezo etc.), latched onto by some people in bilingual
education, but destroyed the whole theory by pointing that if a bull has
done a good job in the bullfight, the highest praise is that he is "noble!"
So much for that!
Karl Reinhardt
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