LL-L "Etymology" 2009.12.16 (03) [EN-NDS]
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Wed Dec 16 20:08:28 UTC 2009
L O W L A N D S - L - 16 December 2009 - Volume 03
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From: Joachim Kreimer-de Fries <soz-red at jpberlin.de>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2009.12.15 (01) [EN]
Am 15.12.2009, 20:02 Uhr, scraif Hellinckx Luc:
Following the Copenhagen climate talks a bit, I came across a quintessential
term in (Western) politics: the filibuster. By extending a debate on and on,
the filibuster tries to delay or even prevent voting. No surprise the word
is of Dutch origin: filibuster < filibustero (Spanish for freebooter) <
flibustier (French) < vrijbuiter (D).
Heyl putsig, dat hädde ik nig dacht, dat uuse un juue friibüüter/-bouter hd.
'Freibeuter' dår pade för staun hewwet. Man lickers bin ik nu nig sieker, of
dat meer van »boutpeople« of van'n »büüte maken« kümt.
Met echt-westfœlsken »Goutgaun!«
Kreimer-de Fries
Osnabrügge => Berlin-Pankow
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology
Yes, Luc, thanks a lot. Like our Joachim (Low Saxon: Jochen), I had not made
that connection. I suppose the "l" and the "s" make it difficult to suspect
a connection with "freebooter."
What I find particularly interesting is the intrusion of "s" which I suspect
happened in French at the time /s/ had begun to be "deleted" before stops,
thus in analogy with words like (*gustus* >) *goût* 'taste', (*castellum* >)
*château* 'castle', (*hospitale* >) *hôpital* 'hospital', *hôtel* 'hostel',
and (*stabilire* > *establir* >) *établir* 'to establish'.
Of course, English "freebooter" is believed to be a direct
pre-diphthongization Middle Dutch loan, at a time when "ij" was still
pronounced [i:] and probably before the "uu" to "ui" shift. The verb was/is
*vrijbuit* ("free-boot(y)") 'to plunder'. I assume that German
*Freibeuter*comes from the same source.
Seattle, USA
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