LL-L "History" 2009.03.12 (04) [E/LS/S/German]
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Fri Mar 13 00:02:31 UTC 2009
L O W L A N D S - L - 12 March 2009 - Volume 07
From: Hannelore Hinz <hannehinz at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "History" 2009.03.12 (06) [E/LS/German]
From: Hannelore Hinz < HanneHinz at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "History" 2009.03.12 (06) [E/LS/German]
Leiw' Ron un leiw' Luc,
ick bedank mi för de Henwiesen. Dat heff ick nich ahnt...
In dat Leederbauk "Dat du mien Leewsten büst"
herausgegeben von Heike Müns Hinstorff Verlag 1988 und 1998
Lied-Nr. 163 ward mit 26 Versen mit Noten "Störtebeker und Gode Micheel"
Quelle: Alpers, Nr. 19, und Reincke, S. 223f.; Melodie Liederbuch Fabricius,
bei Bolte, Musikbeilage. *Schreibeweise **ab Strophe 2 nach Glagla Nr. 26,
S. 72f.*
Verklort warden de Wüür:
Werschop = Gelage
beraden = verheiraten
twier Kör hebben = zwischen zwei Möglichkeiten wählen
Nige Werk =Turm als Seezeichen auf der Nordseeinsel Neuwerk
Hachte = Haft
Quad = Böses
Trurenberch = Trauerberg, Hinrichtungsplatz
Mi dücht jedoch, hier brukt ji woll nich mihr nahhaken. Wi hebben dat Leed
ok in de Volkshochschaul sungen, oewer bi de 10. Stroph' wieren wi seekrank.
Ja, hoegt jug man...
From: Theo Homan <theohoman at yahoo.com>
Subject: LL-L "History" 2009.03.12 (06) [E/LS/German]
> From: Marcus Buck <list at marcusbuck.org>
> Subject: LL-L "History" 2009.03.12 (05)
> [E/LS/German]
> To me that's more than a few. They traded with Iceland
> too. And I read, that
> the Hanseatic League once was banned from trading with the
> Greenlandic settlements.
In the museum of Hindeloopen (once a harbour at de Zuiderzee, now
IJsselmeer) they have got some Greenlandic things from their sailings to
Brave sailors, those Dutchmen.
vr. gr.
Theo Homan
From: Hellinckx Luc <luc.hellinckx at gmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Literature"
Beste Ron,
You wrote:
If only he would have wed a Scottish lass *;=).
*But such were not the manners of seafaring folk I guess.
What do you mean were "not the of seafaring folk"? To marry Scottish lasses?
Indeed, I thought that back in those days all sailors that were "engaged" in
piracy (or anti-piracy), were probably not "engaged" *s*. In Dutch culture
it used to be common to assume that sailors have girlfriends all over the
world in every port, so I naively thought that may have ruled out a steady
relationship, but maybe my concept of a medieval marriage is just plain
Even though, in general "loyalty" was far more important than it is now (in
the West), maybe within a husband-wife relationship it was different...I
just don't know.
Kind greetings,
Luc Hellinckx
From: Tom Mc Rae <thomas.mcrae at bigpond.com>
Subject: LL-L "History" 2009.03.12 (02) [E]
On 13/03/2009, at 1:43 AM, Luc wrote:
Coming full circle: A couple of days ago, a Spanish historian claimed
Christopher Columbus was actually...a Scotsman...named Pedro Scotto
We Scots have known about this for centuries.
And let us not forget Julius Caesar's ancestor whos ecoracle got blown well
off the Scoitish coast and ended in the Tiber.
Romans of the time, unable to understand a word he said, made him a god from
this emerged the Juilian Dynasty.
Then of course there's Napoleon's ancestors who also were Scots.
Hannibal is still under investigation.
Tom Mc Rae
"Oh wad some power the Giftie gie us,
Tae see oorsels as ithers see us
Robert Burns
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: History
Och, Tam! Noo that's a wee bit daft, neebour.
Thir days awbody kens that Caesar stairtit aff bein frae Tibet or somepairt
near aboots, tho he ended up a richt naituralised Roman an syne stugged an
That's whit some fowk hiv ledged tae me upo the grund o the Epic o King
Gesar (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_of_King_Gesar).
(Committed Eurasian)
Seattle, USA
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