LL-L "Etymology" 2009.11.29 (03) [EN]
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Mon Nov 30 02:51:47 UTC 2009
L O W L A N D S - L - 28 November 2009 - Volume 03
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From: Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong <Dutchmatters at comcast.net>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2009.11.29 (02) [EN]
Helllo Jonny, Heather and Ron
Re the provenance of the word “Kircheâ€, “Kerk†,â€Church†etc. What an
interesting story. Let me throw some more oil on the fire. I seem to
remember from history lessons from long ago that at least some of the church
dignitaries accompanying the Romans when they made their voyage of discovery
to the North West were pontiffs of the Armenian Christian Church. I do not
know whether they would use the word “kiriko†or a derivative thereof.
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology
Hi, neighbor Jacqueline!
I agree that it is an interesting story.
You threw in:
Let me throw some more oil on the fire. I seem to remember from history
lessons from long ago that at least some of the church dignitaries
accompanying the Romans when they made their voyage of discovery to the
North West were pontiffs of the Armenian Christian Church. I do not know
whether they would use the word “kiriko†or a derivative thereof.
Nice point, considering that there were closed ties between the
Greek-speaking world and Armenian (as well as Georgian) Christians.
Today's Armenian word for 'church' is Õ¥Õ¯Õ¥Õ²Õ¥ÖÕ« (ekegheci) and the Georgian
word is ეკლესირ(ek'lesia). I'm assuming that both of them were derived from
Greek á¼ÎºÎºÎ»Î·ÏƒÎ¯Î± (*ekklÄ“sia*). Not surprisingly, Coptic (the last descendant
of Egyptian heavily influenced by Greek) has εκ΄κλυcια (*eklyseya*).
Another interesting tidbit is that the Modern Syrian Aramaic word for
'synagogue' is *knuÅ¡i’a*, clearly a cognate of Hebrew ×›Ö¼Ö°× Öµ×¡Ö´×™Ö¼Ö¸×”
(k’nÄ“siyyÄh) 'church'. (The two languages are closely related.)
Seattle, USA
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