LL-L "Etymology" 2011.12.02.(01) [DE-EN]
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From: Pat Barrett pbarrett at cox.net
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.12.02 (01) [DE-EN-NDS-NL]
See, this is what I love about language. How can the armchair linguists
confidently say the 'smog' is a combination of 'smoke' and 'fog' just
because it makes sense. Here's an obvious cognate in the chain of West
Germanic languages that needs to be researched as the source of 'smog'.
Pat Barrett pbarrett at cox.net
From: Mike Morgan mwmbombay at gmail.com
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2011.12.02 (01) [DE-EN-NDS-NL]
G'd day all, Mention of the word smog, and the similarity of the West-flemish
"smeukken" to IE root for "smoke" (see entry copied below), leads me to ask
TWO questions:
1) MIGHT not the words for "light rain" be related to "smoke"? (think misty
atmospheric phenomena)
2) since IE has s-mobile, might not also this word be related to "muck"?
(alas, no entry for "muck" in Pokorny! ... or is "muck", like "smog" a
portmanteau word: from "mud" and "yuck!"??)
Pokorny's dictionary : Search within this
*English meaning:* "to smoke" | *Query method:* Match substring
*Pages:* "971" | *Query method:* Match substring
Number: 1798
Root: *(s)meukh-*, *(s)meug-*, *(s)meugh-*
English meaning: to smoke, smoke n.
German meaning: `rauchen, Rauch'
Derivatives: *mukhu-* `Rauch'
Material: Arm. *mux*, Gen. *mxoy* `Rauch'; gr. σμύ̄χω (χ = *kh* oder *gh*;
ἐσμύγην von der *g*-Form) `lasse verschwelen; in langsamem Feuer
verzehren'; ir. *mūch* `Rauch', cymr. *mwg* (mit Alternation *ū* : *u*),
corn. *mok* ds., bret. *moug*, *mog* `Feuer', *moged* `Rauch' (*-kh-* oder *
mit -*g*: gr. σμυγη̃ναι; arm. *murk*, Gen. *mrkoy* `sengend' (**smū̆gro-
ags. *smēocan* `rauchen', mnl. *smieken* und *smuiken* `rauchen'; Kaus.
ags. *smīecan* `rauchen, räuchern', mnd. *smōken* `schmauchen, räuchern,
durch Rauch ersticken'; ags. *smīec* m. `Rauch', mhd. *smouch* `Rauch,
Dunst'; ags. *smoca* m. `Rauch', *smocian* `rauchen, räuchern';
lit. *smáugiu, smáugti* `ersticken (ursprüngl. durch Rauch),
erwürgen'; vielleicht russ. *smúglyj*, klr. *smuhɫyj* `schwarzbraun'
(`rauchfarben'); die bsl. Worte allenfalls mit *gh*, worauf auch arm.
*moyg*`braun, dunkel' als
**smougho-* in Vergleich käme; unklar das Verhältnis zu russ.-ksl.
*smaglъ*`dunkel, braun', russ.
*smága* `Flamme; Ruß', čech. *smahnouti* `dörren, schmachten'.
References: WP. II 688 f., Vasmer 2, 669 f., 677.
Pages: 971
PIE database: PIE
[copied from:
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology
Thanks, guys!
Modern Low Saxon has *smöken* ~ *smäuken* ~ *smeuken* ([ˈsmœɪkŋ̩] ~
[ˈsmɔɪkŋ̩]) for 'to smoke' (in various senses). (Cf. somewhat archaic
German *schmauchen* [ˈʃmaʊχən].)
The noun *Smook* ([smɔʊk] ~ [smɜʊk] etc., pronounced like "smoke" in
various English dialects) denotes 'smoke'. (It coexists with *Rook* ~ *Rö**
ök* ~ *Räuk* ~ *Reuk *[rɔʊk] ~ [rœɪk] ~ [rɔɪk] and *Qualm* [kvaˑɫm]; cf.
German *Rauch* [raʊχ] and *Qualm* [kvalm].)
The frequentive verbal form *smökern* ~ *smäukern* ~ *smeukern* ([ˈsmœɪkɐn]
~ [ˈsmɔɪkɐn]) means 'to read intensively', 'to be absorbed in some reading
material', most probably because this used to involve much tobacco smoking,
at least among men. The noun *Smöker* ~ *Smäuker* ~ *Smeuker* ([ˈsmœɪkɐ] ~
[ˈsmɔɪkɐ]) means 'smoker' (a person that smokes; cf. German *Raucher*), and
in addition it can mean 'good read', 'absorbing book', 'good, old,
weathered book'. In Modern German, the Low Saxon loans *schmökern* and *
Schmöker* have these extended meanings.
Mike, I have long been intrigued by IE **s-*. I fear, however, that
etymology involving it tends to be difficult in many cases because forms
with and without IE **s-* have been apart for so long and as such have
undergone disparate shift developments.
Seattle, USA
P.S.: Lately I have been studying and teaching Semitic and more general
Afro-Asiatic etymology (with an emphasis on semantic clues to culturally
enshrined perceptions in biblical times and earlier). In general, I find
this easier than dealing with many an Indo-European or even just Germanic
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