LL-L "Idiomatica" 2012.01.13 (03) [EN]
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Sat Jan 14 07:16:59 UTC 2012
L O W L A N D S - L - 13 January 2012 - Volume 03
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From: M.-L. Lessing marless at gmx.de
Subject: LL-L "Idiomatica" 2012.01.13 (02) [EN-NDS]
Dear Gael, I think this can mean "Sie ist es" = "She is it". "Ische" as a
Name is a nickname of "Luise", originating in baby language I think. This
would make no sense here.
Gael wrote:
There’s also this other ‘white’ reggae band [from another part of
Germany?]–not sure what “isches” means yet … or what the book “das grosse
lixikon” means in this video? è*Etobasi feat.* Elijah - *Sie isches *by
EtobasiOfficial21,502 views
<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPX0RNl7qO8&feature=related>–not sure what
“isches” means yet
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Idiomatica
Gael and Marlou,
The language used in that music video appears to be an Allemanic variety
(which is well outside the Lowlands).
As Marlou said, *Sie isches* ['ziːʔɪʃəs] (Standard German *Sie ist es*)
means something like "She is *it*", "It's her", etc.
Seattle, USA
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