Fwd: Tenure-track phonology position, University of British Columbia (Canada)

Sophie Wauquier sophie.wauquier at ORANGE.FR
Wed Dec 14 21:00:15 UTC 2011

-------- Message original --------
Sujet: 	Tenure-track phonology position, University of British Columbia 
Date : 	Tue, 13 Dec 2011 23:21:56 -0800
De : 	Gunnar Ólafur Hansson <ghansson at mail.ubc.ca>
Répondre à : 	<gunnar.hansson at ubc.ca>
Pour : 	<mfm at lists.ed.ac.uk>
Copie à : 	gunnar.hansson <gunnar.hansson at ubc.ca>

Hello colleagues near and far!

My sincerest apologies for spamming this list, but I just wanted to call 
people's attention to the fact that we are--somewhat suddenly and 
unexpectedly--advertising a new tenure-track Assistant Professor 
position in phonology here at UBC Linguistics. The application deadline 
is less than a month away (January 16, 2012), so we are very anxious to 
get the word out as widely and as quickly as possible. Please pass this 
on to anyone who you think might be interested in applying.

The official advertisement is at 
where you will find further details about the position, including the 
contact information. Note that application materials, as well as letters 
of recommendation, can be submitted electronically. (The ad is also on 
LINGUIST List: http://linguistlist.org/issues/22/22-4907.html)

For those who might be planning to attend the LSA meeting in Portland in 
a few weeks' time, search committee members Doug Pulleyblank and Molly 
Babel will be at the conference and will be making themselves available 
to hold interviews or informal consultations with any applicants 
(prospective or already-applied).

On behalf of the search committee,

--Gunnar Hansson

Gunnar Ólafur Hansson

Associate Professor | Department of Linguistics

The University of British Columbia

2613 West Mall | Vancouver, BC  Canada V6T 1Z4

Phone 604 822 4658 | Fax 604 822 9687

gunnar.hansson at ubc.ca <mailto:gunnar.hansson at ubc.ca>

www.linguistics.ubc.ca <http://www.linguistics.ubc.ca/>


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