S=?utf-8?Q?=C3=A9minaire_?=du CRLAO le mercredi 28 mai 2014
S N aaellens@yahoo.com [parislinguists]
parislinguists at YAHOOGROUPES.FR
Wed May 21 17:19:30 UTC 2014
êtes cordialement invités à une
dans le cadre du Séminaire du CRLAO sur les
« Recherches actuelles en typologie
présentée par
Sing Sing NGAI
«Giving is receiving:
The polysemy and
multi-functionality of the GET/GIVE verb [tie53] 得
in the Shaowu dialect (Min-Gan, Sinitic)»
>le mercredi 28 mai 2014
>de 16h à 18h
>Salle 131
>2, rue de Lille
>75007 Paris
>This talk looks at the polysemous, multifunctional
Shaowu verb [tie53] which means ‘to get’ in a mono-transitive
construction, and which is relexified to mean ‘to give’ in a ditransitive
construction through the process of semantically-coerced syntactic change. The
morpheme then grammaticalises along a bifurcated pathway to become a possibility
modal suffix, a verb complement marker, as well as dative, benefactive,
causative and passive markers, among other uses. This polyfunctionality may in
part be due to language-internal change, but may also be attributed to
contact-induced grammaticalisation. Historical documents will be examined to pinpoint
these diachronic changes, while languages from other dialect groups and
language families will be considered for the likelihood of areal diffusion of
certain constructions and functions of the Shaowu GET/GIVE verb.
information :
>les séminaires du CRLAO sont organisés par Hilary
Chappell (CRLAO-EHESS).
>Pour toute information complémentaire, veuillez contacter Hilary Chappell sur hmchappell at gmail.comou
>au01 81 70 10 59 ou au
CRLAO 131 bd St Michel, M. Hugues Feler au 01 53 10 53 71.
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