Words for home

Christina Ringel christinamurmann at web.de
Sun Jun 21 12:45:18 UTC 2020

Dear Harley Dunolly-Lee,

good luck with your efforts! Sounds great!
The Miriwoong people often use a suffix that means 'used for' (for
example chair is /looloo-gerring/ 'sit-for'). Do you have one of those
in Dja Dja Wurrung?
They also have a suffix meaning 'similar to', for example they name
introduced fruit like this: plum is bush.melon-like.

All the best from Germany!

Christina Ringel

Ph.D. Candidate
Applied English Linguistics
English Department I
University of Cologne

Subject Librarian
TU Dortmund


> Hi Harley,
> Your project sounds like a great way to revive your language, and I
> wish you every success! You might find this guide to filling gaps in
> the vocabulary of Australian languages useful.
> http://www.indigoz.com.au/language/gaps.html
>  If you haven’t already, I’d also suggest you make contact with Jack
> Buckskin in Adelaide who has been trying to raise his children as
> Kaurna speakers.
> https://www.adelaide.edu.au/kwp/resources/videos/jackbuckskin.html
> <https://www.adelaide.edu.au/kwp/resources/videos/jackbuckskin.html>
> Regards,
> John
>> On 21 Jun 2020, at 7:59 am, Harley Dunolly-Lee
>> <harley_lee123 at msn.com> wrote:
>> Hello wurrung balak (language peoples)
>> I am working on words for home in Dja Dja Wurrung, my language. Me
>> and a couple of other Dja Dja Wurrung speakers are gonna put labels
>> around the house. I am currently organizing a project that requires
>> me and another Dja Dja Wurrung person to only speak language or code
>> switch. This is drawn from elements of the master-apprentice program
>> but tweaked for our current situation (no fluent speakers).
>> My older sister had a baby as well, so the main reason is to speak it
>> as much as we can around baby.
>> I have done the following through basic semantic extension - which a
>> community member suggest I do instead of complex morphology. We gotta
>> work with a first stage. This way we are teaching the community about
>> country.
>> Woyimba - heat (from fire) - oven
>> Munmut - cold - fridge
>> Mumwil - couch - (mum 'bum', -wil 'having')
>> Mumbil - chair - (mum 'bum', -pil 'having')
>> Gapang - ice, frost - freezer, esky
>> These are subjected to change and variation, as one community member
>> wants to use the word for ground oven or hot, heat (weather).
>> I am wanting to know what have other communities (under awakening or
>> fluently spoken) have done in this situation just to get an idea to
>> help with the elaboration and direction.
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Christina Ringel

Ph.D. Candidate
Applied English Linguistics
English Department I
University of Cologne

Subject Librarian
TU Dortmund


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