Yurij Lotoshko - seeking his e-mail address

Yoshimasa Tsuji yamato at YT.CACHE.WASEDA.AC.JP
Sat Jun 10 04:43:52 UTC 2000

Breaking a word over lines and breaking a word into syllables
are totally different matters. The former is a typographer's rule,
while the latter is all too simple: split after every vowel, if the
last sound is not a vowel, combine it with the penultimate part.
Forget rare cases when a sonorant consonant becomes a syllable
on its own. There will be different interpretations as to whether
to split after a hard sign or not, but never mind: people ignore
it in rapid speech any way.


I often hear <<pjAtrublEj>> in stead of <<pjAt' rublEj>> in rapid
speech. I wonder if this phenomenon is described in famous books.
Any advice is appreciated. (15 is pjetnAcat', incidentally).

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