Setting the preferences in "IE"

Adassovsky Georges gadassov at WANADOO.FR
Sun Jun 25 23:49:11 UTC 2000

>>Having used the "Netscape" browser for a number of years, I am now
>>experimenting with "Internet Explorer" on a Macintosh PowerBook G3 running
>>OS 8.6. Could some kind soul tell me how I must set up my "Preferences" in
>>such a way so that I can view Cyrillic fonts on-screen? Apart from the
>>proper "Preferences" and encodings, are there any other settings I need to
>>establish to achieve my goal? To state the obvious, I have all the necessary
>>Cyrillic fonts installed in my System.

What strange an idea! Continue to use "Netscape", that works perfectly well!

Georges (uprjamyj MacIntoshist)

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