Silver Age Call for Submissions

Sarah Krive kriv at MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU
Sun Dec 2 16:44:10 UTC 2001

Hi Eric,
It was so nice to see you and Jane the other weekend...I strangely
felt like I'd be heading back with you to Salt Lake!  Alas...

  I have a question about the Silver Age journal; the website dates
the relevant literary-cultural period to 1922, but I wonder if the
journal would look at a submission that deals with a publication
after that year; in this case, an anthology about Akhmatova published
in 1924-25.  It is concerned with representations of Akhmatova from
1912 to about 1924.  It's a swan song for that type of publication,

Greetings to your family and to my former students.  Do tell them
you're keeping me up to date on their progress!


>Call for Papers for Upcoming Special Issues of The Silver Age of Russian
>Literature and Culture
>Special Issue: The Revolutions of 1917: The Poetic Response in Russia
>Special Issue: Women in the Silver Age
>Of course, we always welcome any submissions relevant to the Silver
>Age.  The Silver Age is an annual journal. We publish scholarly articles,
>translations, book reviews, and bibliographies devoted to literature,
>music, and art of the Russian Silver Age.   For more information, please
>see our web page:
>Use your web browser to search the archives, control your subscription
> options, and more.  Visit and bookmark the SEELANGS Web Interface at:


Sarah A. Krive
1247 W. Wrightwood
Chicago, IL 60614
kriv at

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