Silver Age Call for Submissions

Eric Laursen eric.laursen at M.CC.UTAH.EDU
Mon Dec 3 16:36:35 UTC 2001


         It was great to see you too!  As for the Silver Age, the dates of
course are somewhat arbitrary, and your idea would fit in well.  Could you
send your submission soon?


At 10:44 AM 12/02/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>Hi Eric,
>It was so nice to see you and Jane the other weekend...I strangely
>felt like I'd be heading back with you to Salt Lake!  Alas...
>  I have a question about the Silver Age journal; the website dates
>the relevant literary-cultural period to 1922, but I wonder if the
>journal would look at a submission that deals with a publication
>after that year; in this case, an anthology about Akhmatova published
>in 1924-25.  It is concerned with representations of Akhmatova from
>1912 to about 1924.  It's a swan song for that type of publication,
>Greetings to your family and to my former students.  Do tell them
>you're keeping me up to date on their progress!
>>Call for Papers for Upcoming Special Issues of The Silver Age of Russian
>>Literature and Culture
>>Special Issue: The Revolutions of 1917: The Poetic Response in Russia
>>Special Issue: Women in the Silver Age
>>Of course, we always welcome any submissions relevant to the Silver
>>Age.  The Silver Age is an annual journal. We publish scholarly articles,
>>translations, book reviews, and bibliographies devoted to literature,
>>music, and art of the Russian Silver Age.   For more information, please
>>see our web page:
>>Use your web browser to search the archives, control your subscription
>>options, and more.  Visit and bookmark the SEELANGS Web Interface at:
>Sarah A. Krive
>1247 W. Wrightwood
>Chicago, IL 60614
>kriv at
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