2001 AWSS Outstanding Achievement Awa

Valentina Zaitseva vz2 at NYU.EDU
Mon Dec 3 03:21:09 UTC 2001

--I would like to thank Loren Billings for his response to Sibelan
Forrester' tribute to Professor Olga Yokoyama: thank you, Loren!
As a former student of Professor Yokoyama, I 'd like to make a small
addition to your description of her no-small achievements:

--not only was she one of the two grad. students in Slavic Dept. ever
hired by that same Department, but she also became the first women at
the Slavic Dept. tenured at the rank of Full Professor, the rank very
few women hold in any department at  Harvard University .

As for Olga Yokoyama's contribution to the field of gender linguistics,
I'd like to mention  her ground-breaking article of 1999, "Russian
genderlect and referential expressions," in Language and Society 28. It
has enough material for a two-semester course in gender.
It also  systematizes  the Russian data from Zemskaia's transcripts
making it available to a wide academic community beyond Slavic field.

Best ,
Valentina Zaitseva

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