Research assist. Petersburg this summer

Ethan A.D. ealexanderda at NETSCAPE.NET
Wed Mar 12 23:37:25 UTC 2003

Research assistant in Petersburg this summer

Dear List,

I am a student of Russian who intends to spend this coming summer (late
May to end of August) in St Petersburg.  (I have an invitation to stay
there for free in a friend's apartment) Trouble is, I need to earn some
money while there in order to cover expenses. I am told that sometimes
scholars require assistants to do library research for them in foreign
countries.  I offer my services to any such scholar who has research
needs in St Petersburg.  My Russian language skills are advanced and I
know my way around a Russian library (especially the "Publichnaya").

Also if anyone has any ideas about what other kinds of employment might
be available for me in St Pete. I would be very grateful.  I have
already looked into teaching English, that's a no-go. I can send a
resume and references to anyone interested.


Ethan Alexander-Davey,  Russian Major at Amherst College

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