Cyrillic and Apple Mac OSX

Kjetil Rå Hauge k.r.hauge at EAST.UIO.NO
Fri Apr 23 08:11:24 UTC 2004

>Dear all,
>I have read previous letters on this subject, always anxiously and with
>little real understanding.
>I have just upgraded to OS X 3.  I have no problems with my email programme,
>I can write new Cyrillic documents in Apple Works and Word for Mac.  I can
>open previous Cyrillic documents created in Apple Works, but I CANNOT open
>previous Cyrillic documents created in Word for Mac; they just appear as
>I use Matvey Palchuk's phonetic keyboard and a font called, in Cyrillic
>letters, ãýښÌÒÍËÈ (Latynskii).

With Latinskij (not Latynskij, that could be a 
different font) I have had better luck with 
TextEdit than with Word. TextEdit in Panther (OS 
X 10.3) reads .doc documents as well as .rtf.
--- Kjetil Rå Hauge, U. of Oslo. Tel. +47/22856710, fax +47/22854140
--- (this msg sent from home, +47/67148424, fax +1/5084372444)

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